* Separation from the World & Those Days of Profound Loneliness or Sadness: "I Really Like No One Really Understands Cares about Me or My Fears & How I'm Suffering.
* "It's Like the Ultimate Guilt Trip. It's Just Hopeless."
* "I Will Never Be Good Enough and Yes My Confidence is Shot."
* Personal Fears and Concerns Out of Proportion.
* Fatigue, Energy Drained, Withdrawal, Irritability,
Super Sensitivity, Guilt and Defensiveness...
* For Anxiety Disorders, There are Many Different Types and Depths of Symptoms and the Timing of Suffering or Episodes.
* "How Did this Happen to me?"
* " What Caused Me to Be Like This?"
* Some Answers: Adjustments and Reactions to:
Severe Personal Changes, Losses and Trauma from:
Childhood, Mistreatment, Degradation & Abuse,
Major Family & Life Changes through Divorce,
Grief, Terminal Disease & The Death of a Loved One,
Changing or Losing a Job, Moving to a New Locale,
Status & Economic Shifts & Losses,
Marital, Parenting & Familial Difficulties.
* For The Serious and Debilitating Panic Attacks...
* For A Childhood History of Victimization, Mistreatment,
Sexual Molestation, Degradation, Humiliation,
Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse and the Daily
Guilt and Fear of Being A Victim or An Innocent.
* "I See Now, that This is Killing My Marriage."
* "My Kids are suffering from My Fears & Controls."
* "Can I Get Help for My Children, after I Get Real Help?"
* " Yes, That's Me, a Victim of Controlling, Critical, Negative,
"Never Good Enough" and Guilt Maker Parents!"
* For Those Feeling Like a Loser:
* "I Get These Days of Frustration & Despair & Loneliness."
* " I Really Feel Like No One Really Understands or Cares."
* "There's this Hopelessness and No Answers to My Fears."
* "I Fight Guilt Big Time, Moments & Battles with
Low Confidence or Self-Esteem."
* "I'm just Never Good Enough!"
* "I'm Grateful for My Life but I feel Somehow Isolated."
* "Even in a crowd or with friends I feel like I'm alone."
* "I'm kind of lost and don't know where or who to turn to."
* "It's easy to cry or or get angry equally hard not to."
* "There's a weight & cloud of Guilt & Sadness around me."
* "Yes I'm well off. It seems people believe that therefore:
I don't suffer & I should stop complaining & get grateful."
I Can Really Say:
* "I'd really like to talk to someone about this..."
* "It seems no one really cares or understands."
* "For a long time now, I have felt never good enough for anything!"
* "I feel walled off. No one's listening anymore."
* "I'm really frustrated. I just can't seem to get through."
* "People are Impatient with Me & Maybe they are Right?"
* "I'm not heard, No One Hears My Whys Anymore!"
* "This Fear Thing is Pushing My Family Away from Me!"
* "I'm always wrong. It seems everything's my fault."
* "I've or This Fear has Broken Dreams and Promises to..."
* "Well Now I know what it feels like to be Betrayed."
* "I found some words for my general feelings:
I'm in a State of Fear, Frustration, Despair & Discouragement."
* "I'm so very tired of all of this, and now
I realize it's been like this for a very long time..."
* "It sounds childish & ridiculous but I just feel like running away."
For When You're: Feeling Tired - Can't Get Moving
* "Sometimes the Fear or Stress is So Strong, I Get Exhausted from these Constant: "MUSTS" "Do It Again" "Not Not Good Enough" " What if I Don't Get It Done in Time. I Just Run Out of Steam. There's just No Energy. I Can't get Motivated."
* "It's Like I'm Separated & See This All from Far Away."
* "Too Many Critics: I don't feel very much like doing much."
* "No One Understands. It's Not Worth It, I'm Pulling Away."
* "I'm spending more and more time quietly alone."
* You never know or even become afraid of when something
will trigger a memory, and then the anger or the tears...
* " I just never know when the Fear will Attack again."
*"What's Going to Set Me Off This Time?
* "Will today be a good day or a sad day or an anxious day?"
* There are Life's frustrations, limitations, changes, adjustments
and overwhelming changes, decisions and responsibilities.
* And there is also the anger, rage and guilt.
Why God? Why God me? Why God now?
* "I think I've lost My Faith?"
* "Will it ever get better?" "Do I really want it to get better?"
* "I'm so tired." "I want to give up. No, I must go on." "Why?"
For Those Past Hurts and Abuses.
* "These Fears: They still haunt me and my today relationships."
* "Yes, My Mom is Super Controlling & a Guilt-Maker, But I Need to Learn How to Handle Her & Not Get Paralyzed."
* "My Spouse is Really Critical, Degrading and Devaluative."
* "It's never good enough!" "They're All Un-Pleasable!"
* "I'm afraid to trust, then I do, and get hurt again."
* "I seem to have a knack for picking the wrong mate."
* "How do I stop the cycle and get off this merry-go-round?"
For Feeling Guilty & Suffering Low Self Esteem in Some Areas.
* "How do I say "No" or Take Care without Feeling Guilty?"
* "I feel very wrong or stupid as everyone watches my compulsions."
* "I shouldn't feel this way. God has blessed me
and I have so very much to be grateful for."
* "I sometimes feel like I'm a failure."
* "I Blame Myself. I Blame Everyone Else."
* "Really when I think about it, I'm my own worst enemy."
* "I don't think I really like myself very much."
* "I sure don't like being alone with myself---sometimes."
* "I've lost some or is it all of my confidence. I know I lost my edge."
* "I'm afraid to try new stuff or take a chance...No Control."
* "I didn't do anything wrong. Why do I feel guilty?"
For Those Times of Despair & Hopelessness.
* "I just feel like giving it all up."
* "I'm so very tired of all of this."
* "I'd like to run away or move some place else."
* "I really can't hang on much longer."
* "It seems nobody cares anyway, Nobody!"
For Many Sleep, Appetite & Weight Difficulties.
* Too much - Too little - Control ~ Changes - Problems.
For When It's Really Difficult to Concentrate or Decide.
* "I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed out."
* "I sometimes get Preoccupied or Confused sometimes."
* "It takes me forever or I just can't concentrate to
think out & make major decisions or yes, even small ones."
* "I'm forgetting too many things
and I'm afraid & embarrassed about it."
* "I'm a little concerned. Am I losing my grip?"
"Am I slipping?" "Am I losing my faculties?"
For When Your Feeling: Irritable - Impatient - Can't Relax.
* "I See Now that I Get These Sudden Un-Controllable Fears."
* "You Know, I do see it: These Compulsion to Do Something. It's just that I cant stop from repeating and repeating..."
* "I'm Becoming Really Impatient. People seem to take Forever to do things!"
* "Now I Also See that I'm Becoming More Critical, Picky and Negative."
* "So Sometimes, I Get Feeling Restless & Antsy & I have to keep busy."
* "Oh Boy, Now You Can Set Me Off Easily. I'm Super Sensitive."
* It Seems that My Feelings are Easily Hurt."
* "Then I Get Out of My Withdrawn Stuff & Get Defensive & Over-Counter-Attacking."
* ? What about the Overwhelming Difficulties, Adjustments, Responsibilities, Exhausting Efforts, Major Mountains & Difficult Decisions?
Please! Just A Simple Single Day With Out Me Being Wrought & Suffering with ANXIETY & TERROR!