Dr. Ralph: Everyone of all Beliefs & Lifestyles is Welcome Here at DrRalphStat.com: Offering Online by Cell Phone & Telephone, Professional Therapy Personal, Family, Marriage & Relationship Counseling; Business Consultations; Major Decisions & Career Choices & Paths; Life Coaching; Goal Mentoring; Finding Life's Meaning & Purpose; & Spiritual Guidance & Growth; All in an Attentive, Caring & Non-Judgmental Christian Atmosphere!
A Special Note from Dr. Ralph:
Christianity ~ Judgment ~ Religion?
First of All: Everyone is Welcome Here!
This Counseling Service is for All Folks in A NON-Judgmental & Kind Christian-Like Atmosphere. Over the years I have worked with people of many different beliefs, the full range of socio-economic, backgrounds, cultures, races and practices, and actually, there just hasn't been any conflict or problem.
Now Hear This: "We All Bleed!"
So Let's Talk about whatever is on Your Heart...
Again Yes, Everyone is Welcome Here, of All Beliefs and Practices,
as well as, All Lifestyles, to Talk Things through or Work Things Out with Your Personal, Family, Marriage and Relationship Difficulties, Issues and Suffering!
Also, if You are on a spiritual quest or a personal hunt for life's meaning and purpose, maybe I can assist you in finding what you're searching for!
On that Note ♪: I Can Carefully & Seriously Help You with Your Connection with God or Your Higher Power. Maybe it's the first time you've really had any interest in this Area. Maybe it's been a long time of separation because of life's cruelty, consequences, decisions or direction. Maybe you've come to a place where You'd like to deepen what you've known so far and develop a real, one to one, strong, everyday relationship, where you know He is really right there, all the time... All This, if You'd Like, through a learning about & a very personal understanding of God, as most call Him or Your Higher Power or Jesus Christ or The Holy Spirit, at Your Speed, and Your Terms of Acceptance.
Christian Counseling:
Understanding or Judgment:
I'd say about 30% of the people whom I work with don't really want to talk about God or don't want to get into "religion". They do say they are comfortable with, and are to a point, that They Need to get some kind of Spiritual Guidance, or find out about God, but not in a pressured or judgmental approach.
They are OK with, or actually prefer, someone who is familiar with Him, or they feel has a connection with Him. I am not a judgmental, guilt-maker or better than thou or "enlightened" type of therapist. If there was a concern regarding this area, it's OK, there will be no problem, if you prefer not to talk about "Religion."
Well, that being said: * Our Home Page. If You'd Like: Christian Stuff.
For those of you who are "Christians" and
would like Christian Counseling, I will say this:
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Living Saviour. I have found true peace of heart and mind by accepting the forgiveness He gave us by dying on the cross for everyone's sins, past present and future. After I asked Jesus into my heart, I was never again alone, and now, The Holy Spirit guides me and gives me the answers I need for all the questions. I now have a personal 24-7 relationship with God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit, as a friend and as My Heavenly Father. I now have choice as to whether I want to be happy or unhappy at any particular time. I have a special joy about life and a peace that truly passes all understanding whenever I want it...
* Our Home Page.