I've Listed Below Clusters of Experiences and Feelings in
Our Everyday Language that You My Be Able to Relate to along with my comments.
Depression: Issues, Feelings...
* Those Days of Profound Sadness & Loneliness.*
* Feeling Like No One Really Understands or Cares,
A Hopelessness, Moments of Low Confidence,
Self-Esteem Lapses, Never Not Good Enough.
* Personal Fears and Concerns Out of Proportion.
* Fatigue, Energy Drained, Withdrawal, Irritability,
Super Sensitivity, Guilt and Defensiveness...
* For Major Depression ~ Recurrent & Single Episodes.
Except For Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression.
* For Dysthymia ~ A Chronic, More Subtle Depression.
* For Adjustments and Reactions to:
Severe Personal Losses and Trauma from:
Mistreatment, Degradation & Abuse,
Major Life Changes through Divorce,
Grief, Terminal Disease & The Death of a Loved One,
Changing or Losing a Job, Moving to a New Locale,
Status & Economic Shifts & Losses,
Marital, Parenting & Familial Difficulties.
* For The Serious and Debilitating Attack of The Blues...
* For: * A Childhood History of Victimization, Mistreatment,
Sexual Molestation, Degradation, Humiliation,
Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse and the Daily
Guilt and Fear of Being A Victim or An Innocent.
* Marital and Parenting Concerns,
Direction, Coaching and Counseling.
* Adults with Controlling, Critical, Negative,
"Never Good Enough" and Guilt Maker Parents.
* Help for Your Children and Teens Who Are
Growing Up, Suffer from Depression & Anxiety & The
Many Adjustments to Life's Changes, Fears, Trauma and Reactions.
For Those Feeling Sadness, Loneliness &Hopelessness:
* "I Get These Days of Despair, Sadness, Loneliness."
* " I Really Feel Like No One Really Understands or Cares."
* "There's this Hopelessness and No Answers."
* "I Fight Guilt Big Time, Moments & Battles with
Low Confidence or Self-Esteem." "I'm just Never Good Enough!"
* "I'm grateful for my life but I feel somehow isolated."
* "Even in a crowd or with friends I feel like I'm alone."
* "I'm kind of lost and don't know where or who to turn to."
* "It's easy to cry or equally hard not to."
* "There's a weight & cloud of sadness around me."
* "Yes I'm well off. It seems people believe that therefore:
I don't suffer & I should stop complaining & get grateful."
* "I'd really like to talk to someone about this..."
* "It seems no one really cares or understands."
* "For a long time now, I have felt never good enough for anything!"
* "I feel walled off. No one's listening anymore."
* "I'm really frustrated. I just can't seem to get through."
* "I'm not heard, valued, appreciated or understood."
* "I'm always wrong. It seems everything's my fault."
* "There have been so many broken dreams and promises."
* "Well Now I know what it feels like to be Betrayed."
* " I found some words for my general feelings:
I'm in a State of Despair, Discouragement & Hopelessness."
* "I'm so very tired of all of this, and now
I realize it's been like this for a very long time..."
* "It sounds childish & ridiculous but I just feel like running away."
For When You're: Feeling Tired - Can't Get Moving
* "There's no energy. I can't get motivated."
* "It's as if I'm in slow motion or in a fog far away."
* "I don't feel very much like having fun anymore."
* "I've been withdrawing from friends and family."
* "I'm spending more and more time quietly alone."
For The Heartbreak & Grief of All
Severe Personal Losses that Can Cause Depression.
* The are so many things that hurt badly when we lose them.
* There's the loss of our plans, dreams and an entire way of life.
* The loss of a life's work in retirement and
simply getting older require serious adjustment.
* Whether it's temporary or long term: Accidents,
Injury, Disease & Handicaps and the loss of our
physical freedom and imposed limitations is very hard.
* Again, Being forced to stay at home, from disability or illness
can go from being boring, to becoming severely depressive and
disheartening; from quietness to severe loneliness and hopelessness.
* The most severe pain is when we lose someone we dearly love.
I have seen that the most severe grief is the loss of your child.
* Sickness, disease accident and death are harsh realities.
* Suddenly we are shoved, roughly into another unpleasant world.
* There's nothing you can do to make things the way they were.
* There's the sickening feeling of emptiness and loneliness...
* You never know or even become afraid of when something
will trigger a memory, and then the anger or the tears...
* "Will today be a good day or a sad day or an anxious day?"
* There are Life's frustrations, limitations, changes, adjustments
and overwhelming changes, decisions and responsibilities.
* And there is also the anger, rage and guilt.
Why God? Why God me? Why God now?
* "I think I've lost My Faith?"
* "Will it ever get better?" "Do I really want it to get better?"
* "I'm so tired." "I want to give up. No, I must go on." "Why?"
For Those Past Hurts and Abuses.
* "It Still haunts me and my today relationships."
* "So My Mom is Super Controlling & a Guilt-Maker,
But I Need to Learn How to Not Get Paralyzed & Cant Stop Her."
* "My Spouse is Really Critical, Degrading and Devaluative."
* "It's never good enough!" "They're All Un-Pleasable!"
* "I'm afraid to trust, then I do, and get hurt again."
* "I seem to have a knack for picking the wrong mate."
* "How do I stop the cycle and get off this merry-go-round?"
For Feeling Guilty & Suffering Low Self Esteem in Some Areas.
* "How do I say "No" or Take Care of Myself without Feeling Guilty?"
* "I feel very wrong or stupid or clumsy, sometimes without a reason."
* "I shouldn't feel this way. God has blessed me
and I have so very much to be grateful for."
* "I sometimes feel worthless, useless or like I'm a failure."
* I Apologize or say "I'm sorry" way too much.
* "I Blame Myself. I Blame Everyone Else."
* "Really when I think about it, I'm my own worst enemy."
* "I don't think I really like myself very much."
* "I sure don't like being alone with myself."
* "I've lost some or is it all of my confidence. I know I lost my edge."
* "I'm afraid to take a chance and try much that's new."
* "I didn't do anything wrong. Why do I feel guilty?"
For Those Times of Despair & Hopelessness.
* "I just feel like giving it all up."
* "I'm so very tired of all of this."
* "I'd like to run away or move some place else."
* "I really can't hang on much longer."
* "It seems nobody cares anyway, Nobody!"
For Many Sleep, Appetite & Weight Difficulties.
* Too much - Too little - Control ~ Changes - Problems.
For When It's Really Difficult to Concentrate or Decide.
* "I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed out."
* "I sometimes get Preoccupied or Confused sometimes."
* "It takes me forever or I just can't concentrate to
think out & make major decisions or yes, even small ones."
* "I'm forgetting too many things
and I'm afraid & embarrassed about it."
* "I'm a little concerned. Am I losing my grip?"
"Am I slipping?" "Am I losing my faculties?"
For When Your Feeling: Irritable - Impatient - Can't Relax.
* "I See Now that I Get These Sudden Mood Swings and Over-Reactions."
* "I'm Becoming Really Impatient. People seem to take Forever to do things!"
* "Now I Also See that I'm Becoming More Critical, Picky and Negative."
* "So Sometimes, I Get Feeling Restless & Antsy & I have to keep busy."
* "Oh Boy, Now You Can Set Me Off Easily. I'm Super Sensitive."
* It Seems that My Feelings are Easily Hurt."
* "Then I Get Out of My Withdrawn Stuff & Get Defensive & Over-Counter-Attacking."
Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the Kind of Depression You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through:
If You like, You Can Contact Me for Help:
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
Dr. Ralph at The "RedPhone24.com" Private Clinic and Our Abiding Wellness, 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health Center for Our Countries' VIPs, Leaders, Execs, NFL, MLB & Sport Pros, Celebs, Stars, Doctors & Attorneys & All Professionals in All Fields: Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers, with 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Wealth Advisement, Personal Psychotherapy, Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, Spiritual & Christian Guidance & Counsel! He Provides: 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk! 2. Personal Therapy for Your Issues, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Frustration, Stress, Betrayal, Guilt, Anger, Challenges, Losses, Changes & Trauma. 3. Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling. 4. Spiritual Guidance. We are Here for You & Yours, All in a Caring, Kind & Christian Atmosphere with Multi-Therapy, Alternative & Complimentary Holistic Medicine. This is All for You with Doc, Directly & Personally at His Online Private Practice!
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