Doc on The Pain of Grief, Severe Life Losses & Adjustments, Offers You by 1. A Simple & Easy, Non-Clinical Talk or Chat: to Work Through Issues, Vent Things Out & BE HEARD, 2. Individual Psychotherapy, 3. Family, Marriage & Christian Couple's Counseling, 4. Spiritual & Biblical Guidance & 5. Reaching Your Life Goals, Meaning, Purpose & Fulfiiling Your Journey and 6. Wealth Legacy Advisement! We are the Abiding in Christ, Confidential, Red Phone, 24-7 Online & On Call Clinic, with One to One, Online & On Call 24-7, Tele-Health & the Abiding Wellness National Teaching & Treatment, Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers!
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
Dr. Ralph Offers Help for You,
Our Clients & Patients, Who are
Suffering from Grief & Your Severe
Life & Business Changes, Major Losses and
Yes, Also the Pain, Suffering & Adjustment.
Doc Offers Understanding & Answers at Our Most Confidential, One to One, Red Phone Clinic Line, with 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Christian Private Psychotherapy, Family, Marriage & Couple's Counseling, Spiritual & Biblical Guidance & Wealth Legacy Advvisement & Our Abiding Wellness National Teaching & Treatment, Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers!
Doc Serves America's, Active and Retired, Affluent & Hard Working: VIPs, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Our Beloved Celebrities & Stars, Our Top 5% Prime Movers of All Ages, Young, Upwardly Headed & Affluent People of All Levels Levels, Corporate, Gov't & Industry Leaders, Established Professionals in All Fields, Sports, Doctors, Science, Educators, Engineering & Technology, Communication & IT's Gifted Innovators, Creativeness Folks & Yes, Our Countries' Dear Foundational Anchors & Private, Wealthy & Landed Gentry!!!
These are Very Painful and Trying Times and Really Best to Be Discussed Personally & in The Privacy of Confidential Counseling Sessions. I did put only a few personal thoughts below. We Hope to Help You Realize: You are NOT ALONE & Also to Provide an Explanation to You & Your Loved Ones; Serious Help in Understanding: What You are Going through Mentally, Where You are Emotionally & Some Answers to the Confusion!!!
Dr. Ralph Gives Our Clients, Nationwide Online Phone Counseling by 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk & Listening. 2. Professional Psychotherapy for Your Suffering, Anxiety, Depression & Grief Therapy Sessions. We Hope to Give You a Means to Comfort, Control, Relief & Health for Your Suffering. 3. We Also Offer Marriage, Family & Relationship Counseling. 4. Christian Answers & Guidance for Your Religious or Spiritual Life. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Our Private Red Phone24 & Your Cell Phone or Video Conferencing with Email & Text Messaging Communication & Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Christian, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding, Professional Atmosphere!
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
Grief & Severe, Personal & Life Losses & Changes:
Dr. Ralph:
First and Most Importantly: These Very Painful & Trying Times of Grief & Severe Losses are Really Best and Need to be Discussed and Shared in The Confidentiality & Privacy of Counseling Sessions. These are all very personal challenges and require very individual and private Counseling, Attention & Understanding...
I've put a only few personal thoughts below. Grief and Severe Losses are Not a Clinical Disease but certainly cause very deep emotional wounds, sadness, loneliness, confusion, relief, guilt and so many mixes of feelings. Sometimes they can also cause more serious, kinds of clinical depression.
* For Severe Personal Losses from: Major Life Changes through
Divorce, Terminal Disease, Grief, Losing or Being Separated from
Loved Ones, a Job or Locale Change, Status Shifts...
* There are so many things that hurt badly when we lose them.
· * There's the loss of our plans, dreams and an entire way of life.
* The loss of a life's work & purpose in retirement & simply getting older & losing abilities & energy require serious adjustment.
* Whether it's temporary or long term, the loss of our
physical freedom and imposed limitations is very hard.
* Being forced to stay at home, from disability or illness can go
from being boring and quiet to becoming disheartening & lonely.
· * The most severe pain is when we lose someone we dearly love.
* The Worst of This is When We Lose One of Our Children.
* "Why do I feel so guilty. Like it was my fault?"
* "I Know I Could have Stopped It and Saved Dad's Life ."
· * Sickness, disease, accident and death are harsh realities.
* Suddenly we are shoved, roughly into another unpleasant world.
* There's nothing you can do to make things the way they were.
* "When I got the news, well frankly, I was not afraid but Terrified!"
· * "I realized with great fear & pain, how very little we control..."
* There's the sickening feeling of emptiness and loneliness...
* You never know when something will trigger a memory...
* And then there's the broken heart and the Great Deep Tears...
...Again, Please Take A Look at Home Page for Depression Information.
Basically We first need to Talk and see how I can help with your suffering.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings and thoughts listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through:
If You like, You Can Contact Me for Help:
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 1972 - Present, All Rights Reserve.
Dr. Ralph Offers You "Understanding, Counseling & Therapy for Your Challenges, Concerns & Sufferings" at Our Abiding in Christ, Confidential, Counseling Clinic with Our One to One, Red Phone 24-7 Therapy, Private Line & Our Abiding Wellness National Teaching & Treatment, Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Center, with Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Christian Confidential Psychotherapy Clinic, Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, Spiritual & Biblical Guidance & Wealth Legacy Advisement! for all of America's, Active and Retired: VIPs, Our Top 5% Prime Movers of All Ages & Young, Upwardly Headed and Affluent People of All Levels & , Corporate, Gov't & Industry Leaders, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Our Beloved Celebrities & Stars, Established Professionals in All Fields, Sports, Retail, Sales, Management, Employees, Doctors, Science, Educators, Engineering & Technology, Communication & IT's Gifted Innovators, Creativeness Folks & Yes, Our Countries' Dear Foundational Anchors & Private, Wealthy & Landed Gentry!!!