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      Dr. Ralph Talks Offers "Some Thoughts about the Good People We Help, Life in General & Our Professional Counseling Focus," to Our Countries' Countries' VIPs, Execs, Corporate, Industry & Government Leaders, NFL, MLB, Golf & All Our Sports Pros & Athletes, Doctors, Attorneys, Professionals in All Fields, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Celebrities, Stars, TV, Movie, Entertainment & Performing Arts People & Our Nation's Private Landed Gentry & Blessed Affluents: Our Red Phone Counseling Clinic & Our Abiding Wellness National Teaching & Treatment, Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers, with 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Wealth Advisement, Personal Psychotherapy, Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, Spiritual Guidance & Christian Counsel! 

                                  * Home Page.

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Dr. Ralph Offers Online Phone Counseling Therapy Sessions.




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Dr. Ralph Offers:

Some Thoughts about The Good People

We Can Help, Life in General & 

Our Professional Counseling Focus at

Our Red Phone Clinic & Our Abiding Wellness

National Teaching & Treatment Center for Help &

Answers for Couples, Marriage & Family Counseling,

Private Personal Psychotherapy & Spiritual & Christian Guidance.

     Good Old Dr. Ralph Gives Our Clients, Nationwide Online Phone Counseling by 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk & Listening. 2. Professional Suffering, Anxiety, Depression & Grief Therapy Sessions. We Hope to Give You a Means to Comfort, Control, Relief & Health for Your Suffering. 3. We Also Offer Marriage, Family & Relationship Counseling. 4. Concerns & Guidance for Your Religious or Spiritual Life. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Your Cell Phone or Telephone with Email & Text Messaging Communication & Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Christian, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding, Professional Atmosphere! 

    We are Here for You, Our Clients, 24-7, Online & On Call & All by      Conference Calling & Video Conferencing & National Office Sessions!

           * Home Page. 


Photo of Abba LGBTQ-We: Nationwide Online Tele-Counseling., PhD, MEd, LCPT, LMFPT, LICC, Pastoral Counselor in Denver


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 Red Telephones Corded Telephone Classic Rotary Dial Home Phones Antique  Vintage | eBay      Some Thoughts about Life, Our Focus and

Some Info about The People and Ways We Serve.

 A Message from Chaplain Ralph:

...Well, All in All, I Specialize in Serving You, Our VIPs, Execs, Corporate, Industry & Government Leaders, NFL, MLB, Golf & All Our Sports Pros & Athletes, Doctors, Attorneys, Professionals in All Fields, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Celebrities, Stars, TV, Movie, Entertainment & Performing Arts People & Our Nation's Private Landed Gentry and Your Families, Marriages snf Kids.                                                                                                                                                           Basically after some years at this, I say this:                                                                               "We All Bleed." and that it really doesn't matter as to our culture or lifestyle. We All Suffer with the Various Types of Deprsssion, Grief and The Wounded Hole it leaves in Our Heart, as well as The Severe Business & Other Kinds of Losses, and the Changes and Adjustments.  After All We are all humans. Some Folks think that Wealth helps Us Rise Above and Not Feel or Suffer Deeply...

   Sooooooo, Sorry but a Bit of Bio Here and for all its worth. l was brought up in Good Old New York City. This was a wonderful place to be immersed in People and Their Lives from all over the World. I didn't realize at the time, but my idea of normal was somewhat universally inclusive. Here: We were playing Stick Ball on the Streets of NY. Home Plate was the Sewer Cover. Second Base was the next Sewer Cover down the street. First Base was the drivers door handle on a neighbors car. Third base was a crushed  metal can near the left curb. We were all of different nationalities. The Jewish Kid had First Base. The Chinese Kid had Second Base. The Irish Guy had Third Base and You got it: Me, The Italian was at Home Plate Batting, and oh yeah: There were Catholics and Protestants and Jewish and Hindi Kids, etc. etc... We didn't know prejudice... We were just friends...                                                 So life moved on and We moved up to Westchester County and the Scarsdale Environs. To me, this was an unaware lifestyle change. Sooo: I did the Football Team and Tennis Team and Cross Country Running,(No Never Track.lol) and All County Choir and Our Private 5 Man Acapella Group and Yes also A Rock Band for School Dances & Private Parties, which continued through University. Looking back I dated Jewish Girls and Our Scarsdale Blondes. My First Car was, of course, an MG.                                                                                    Oh Yeah, for all it's worth, for some reason I felt a desire to help people at about age 14, I didn't realize it then, but I was "Listening" to a lot of My Friends, Guys but really mostly Girls.  Well yes, they then started to Dub Me, "Dr. Ralph" LOLOL. So there things began, and without a conscious decision on My Part. I seemed to always want to be a doctor. So the cultural choices put me into a group of Academic & Professionally Headed People, and that crossed into Private & Wealthier Folks Lives and Pool and Beach Parties, and Coming Out Affairs, the Boating, Yacht Club & Tennis Scene and Finer Manners & Protocols. Then off to Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. for a B.A. and then The United States Air Force for Nam, who made me a Chaplain, and then back to School for Masters Degree at U. Mass and Springfield College. Yes, a PhD Later in N.C... So over the Years, I seem to have headed toward a caring heart and comfortability with almost anyone and a speciality with affluent folks and anyone's life...

   There are always and will always be: talkers and rumor spreaders... I was somehow connected to and mentored by a Very Dear Group of Retired Execs and Affluent Folks who Took Me under their Kind Wings, when I worked in The Pinehurst, N.C. Memorial Hospital and received a Most Serious and Directed Training in Their Private Life Courses. I didn't know it at the time but: they said there was something about me? There I received a remarkable amount of tailoring and understanding and very strong Teaching and How They Lived in an atmosphere of Wealth, Propriety, Privacy, Confidentiality, Kindness, Thought Out Giving & Remarkable Patience & Manners... It seemed to be an Attitude, or a Means of Following God and Holding a Way of Being and Going on about Life. As I was Told: 'Just Go Now and "Become" and Yes, Few Times. "Pass It Forward!' 

   In Any Event, of course, Professionally but Quite Personally, I have been Very Serious and Careful, about Protecting My Client's & People's Very Treasured Privacy, Lives and Information... 

   Now for Some of the Diffs...

 Sooo Onward, My Clients are in these Kinds of Places of:                                                               a. "Generally I'm Doing Pretty Well, but I Need                                                                                 Some Serious, as Yes, Private Help and Support with  Some Personal Areas." or                  b. I've Waited Too Long and Things are Getting Out of Hand." or                                              c. "I've got it All, but I should be more happy and grateful, I just don't know..." or
    d. "Look I'm a Public Person, but also very much a Private Person, and                                          I really do so Enjoy My Own Space... It's just that now I really would like                                  at least the possibiltiy of a Truly Confidential Type that I could TRUST with                            My Personal Issues.                                                                                                                      e. one: "When this all started, & I started beoming "Famous," well I was in                                            a kind of shock. Well not, dysfunctionally so but overwhelmed with suprise,                              a very new lifsetyle, some wealth. etc, etc.                                                                                     I also remember this: I would see my friends in school, and see them suffering and,                 I guess it hurt me also, but I was way too shy to do anything about it.                                        Now I want to do something, and I'm thinking Anonymously. It is not about                              my being "noted: for kindness, but about a Legacy for My Life, Witout Publicity."      e. two: "Well let's see: I was in brought up in I guess, many would say,                                                  a Sheltered or Silver Spoon Kind of Life and Lifestyle.                                                                  I really didn't process this though my school years, as everyone around                                      me was in the similiar texture of life.  Somewhere in University, I found that most                    folks were living in a completely different place. I was actually hurt by                                       the anger & predjucide to me, it seemed personally. "Rising above it" was                                 not working as well as I thought, but sadness suffering was at Hand,                                         BUT Y
es Pretty Much Dilluted by my circumstances."     

     Sooo, something came of this time of life and quite suprisingly...

   Doc: This is for You: Women, Men & Your Marriages and Family Members. You are people who understand the value of time, are self aware and know there are places in life, where a Confidential, Professional, Counselor, Friend and Mentor is of great value. You realize the importance of Your situation. It Seems that You are rather seriously interested in making the necessary adjustments and expect to follow practical, sometimes difficult to affect, but reasonable and necessary life course changes and recommendations to heal, grow & enrich Your Lives.

   In General, I have Learned that You are from remarkably very different backgrounds, but have become Successful in Your own right and field. You have all learned how to prosper and have, and are learning, and yes, paying the price or prices, Nego & Poso! Sometimes, however, there are very personal areas that need serious attention, issues that need to be worked through or an emotional disorder, wound or behavior which needs to be focused, healed and treated, which of course benefits the whole person. You know, or have learned, that taking care of a problem, not denying it, gets it most quickly resolved.

   Combining Our Abiding Wellness Private Clinic, with Nationwide, Online & On Call 24-7, Virtual Cell & Telephone, Concierge Counseling Session & Professional Therapy, with E-Mail & Text Support, offers some superb advantages in terms of appointment time, convenience and confidentiality.

     We actually began National Telephone Counseling in 1996 and in a Short Time, Moved into Our Online World and then Virtual Tele-Health. E-Mail Counseling, Journaling, Text -SMS Messaging and of course Video Conferencing has become a tremendous form of convenient, quick and immediate communication for many of the folks who I work with. At your convenience, and at a time You are ready to share what's on your mind or heart, just type away and send it off to me.     Sometimes you may only want me to read your message, reserving a response for a later personal session. Sometimes you'll have questions or you'll want me to give you some direction by replying. You Know: It's a good feeling knowing that someone who cares will be reading seriously, and therefore 'Listening'...

   Combining Cell or Telephone, Text, SMS, E-Mail Counseling PC, offers some wonderful advantages over Local office visits in terms of appointment time convenience and confidentiality.


Major Decision Making:

  •    To be able to talk out options and help find the path that's
    right for you. Example: "I've come to a point where I know it's time to
    get some help in making some meaningful changes for myself and
    my life. I would like to talk out some things with someone who will
    listen, is not biased, is trustable and is outside of my family, work
    and social circles."
  •    "I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at
    my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing
    decisions. There are some very personal matters I've been
    wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time
    now...  I need to speak to someone who is Good Hearted or Non-Judgmental or Kind or has Good Christian Like Values.

  • "I believe an Understanding of God's Ways can help me find His Will for Me. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable."


Personal, Marital and Relationship Problems

    If you would like sensible explanations, honest feedback, reasonable recommendations and a non-biased, professional point of view in a safe, caring and private environment. If your emotions are becoming alarmingly unpredictable and out of control. If there are some personal problems, questions, decisions, issues or relationships that you would like to spend some time talking about in an atmosphere where you will be listened to and heard. 

   Example: "I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing decisions that I've been considering for some time now.  I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable." I think I would like a serious Honest,  Understanding & Christian Like perspective.  There are some very personal matters I've been wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time now..."


* If You Seriously Seek Relief and Direction.

* If You have Questions & Need Simple, Practical Answers.

* If You are Seeking Direction & are Willing To Grow. 

* If You Would Like to Work Through Special Areas in Your Heart, Life & Spirit: Private Matters and some  that Have Needed to Be Dealt with & Shared for A Long Time.

* If You are Facing or Suffering Badly from Some of These Spiritual Issues: Life's Meaning & Purpose, Frustration, Serious Decisions, Grief & Severe Personal Losses, Disappointments, Discouragement, Rejection, Broken Promises No One Seems to be Listening or Really Cares, The Many Faces of Depression, Guilt, Forgiveness, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Panic, Phobia & Trust Issues.

* If You Seek Peace of Mind or Spiritual Guidance, have Serious Questions or would like, A Greater Understanding and Practical Means to Develop Your Relationship with God or Your Higher Power.


   In It's Simplicity: Our Treatment Program
   Though out the years of my private practice, beginning back in The 1970's, I have found that significant healing and continuous mental health requires a variety of approaches.

   My Clients have a wide range of counseling needs: Sometimes we'll have several sessions a week, especially at the beginning, and other folks really just want someone they can trust available, PRN, AS NEEDED, perhaps once a month, or when things build up and they want to spend some time letting go of feelings and stresses with a safe, confidential, professional friend.
   This is your life, so you decide how often you would like to talk and at what pace you're comfortable with handling serious issues...

   There are many parts of us which need to be considered, evaluated,
understood, dealt with, accepted and perhaps changed in order to
promote effective healing and permanent personal growth.

     Some of these areas are:

   * Physical - Biological.

   * How We Relate to God or the Higher Power if you wish.

   * Mental - Cognitive - Thought.    * Spiritual Issues- Purpose.
   * Emotional -Feeling Levels.     * Our Past Experiences.
   * Personal - Social Relationships.    * Our Present Circumstances.
   * Daily Activities - Work.    * Our Future Expectations - Goals.
   * Family - Marital.    * Environmental Forces.
   * Powerful Relationships     * Major Life Changes & Trauma.

Health and Well Being come from:

1. Getting to Know Honestly, Where We Stand or How We have Been Affected in These Areas.

2. Learning and Accepting the Realities, or Plus or Minus, What We Do & Who We Are.

3. Realizing We Can Be in Charge and No Longer a Victim.
Simply: We are What We Believe, Say and Think and How We Act as a Result.

4. Finding a Way to Carefully, and Sometimes Patiently, and Yes, with Help and Hard Work, Powerfully Change Over to The Place Where, and The Person Whom, We Really Want to Be...

5. Discovering the Path to Health and Wholeness by Applying simple and powerful Biblical Principles, and getting to know Our Father God, Very Personally and Specifically to You, and for Your Life, through developing a Profound, Loving, Ongoing and Constant Relationship with Him through Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


   SPIRITUAL (if you will, by a Non-Judgmental & Understanding Process)

   In most cases, effective professionals are aware of and do address the mental or cognitive, the behavioral, the emotional-social and physical aspects of their patients in order to affect relief. There is another area with is often not considered. This Area is Spirituality: the Relationship A Person Has with God. Full Health and Happiness are based on the quality and depth of this connection. I believe this connection is the most important and has the most profound effect on getting well.

   Our Program consists of using The Biblical Principles and Methods of Christianity and Christian Counseling Psychology and Very Much the SAME Guidance for All Beliefs, put into sensible and understandable practice, as well as some of the Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment, Reduction and Relief Models, to dissolve Fear in any of it's forms: Anxiety, Phobia, Panic and Over-Stress as well as The Many Faces and Forms of Depression, Guilt, Grief, Anger and Degrading and Low Self Image. I believe this array and or parts of it, offers the most powerful and effective means of relief and healing for serious personal issues that affect not only ourselves but our families, social and business contacts.

   Our idea of A Christian Program is non-judgmental, not degrading or guilt producing, and in fact, alleviates guilt. Often Our People have suffered A Childhood or Adult History of Victimization, Degradation, Humiliation, Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse or Some Form of Horrible Trauma or Emotional Loss.

   All of Our Christian or Spiritual Treatment Methods are based on Simple Biblical Principles and have always been universally accepted by Folks of Every Christian Denomination and Other Religions. They are realistic, understandable and powerful, because God is the Wonderful Counselor and Healer. There is a tremendous amount of Love and Mercy that God has for us. "Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear" and "Be Anxious for Nothing" are commonly known bible verses, and the Peace that is offered by God's Word, is What We Want You to have. Making this work practically and effectively for you and in today's society and truly understanding the depths of His Love for You, and how to access it, is a very central and serious part of our job.

   In some cases, with your permission, I will be working with your family physician or psychiatrist to use various appropriate medications if they are called for, to help you in healing, and/ or for a time. We believe medication should be used only if necessary and then carefully administered and monitored. These medications work on your the central nervous system to help heal and actually normalize it to reduce the feelings of anxiety, depression and others strong symptoms while you grow.

   Also Know: We are very aware of, and you should also realize,
that there are some practices and therapies which are not of God...

   Knowing All of These Words is all fine and well, but actually putting into practice and receiving what they promise is What Needs to Be Accomplished!

   Again, if you chose, making these scriptural principles work effectively for you and in today's society, truly understanding the depths of His Love for You and how to access it, is a very serious part of my job.

     Here We Hope to Give You Answers: To See and to Really Get in
Touch with Who You are and What You have to Offer in This Life.
   YES, both the Negative and the Positive. Yes, Your Personal
Gifts and Talents to This World and To Help Others and NO, Not just
the Down Side Anymore. AN HONEST LOOK AT YOURSELF!!!

   Answers: To Sensibly Talk through, Understand and Finally
Feel You are Ready & Worthy to Obtain the Complete
Depth and Healing Available to You, if You Really Want It.

   Only if You are Interested:

* To Learn How God Truly Sees You!(and not your opinion).

* To Learn How to Accept God's Love,
     Personally, as He Means It, Just for You!

* To Learn and Realize The Power of Applied & Practical
Forgiveness for Yourself & All Others in All Areas of Our Lives.

* To Find a Comforting and Powerful Relationship with
God, Who is Always Present, and Finding An Acceptable and
Realistic Means to Receive the Benefits of This Relationship and
Then Learning How to Access Him Anytime and Anywhere!

Christian Counseling Actually Can Include:

* Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an experiential, in-depth form of treatment that explores the ways in which past experiences and emotional expectations developed in childhood have contributed to current difficulties in functioning. This form of treatment examines the complexities of interpersonal relationships, including the developing relationship with the therapist. Rational-Emotive, Behavioral Therapies, Medication, Relaxation and Breathing Techniques, Pleasant Mental Imagery and Cognitive Restructuring, Systematic Gradual Desensitization and Yes, Types of Regular Exercise.

   All these are All Possibles, BUT:

   Just to Let You Know, as Many have Done over the Centuries:
We have Researched and Found that some of these "New Methods" are actually taken from Our Holy Bible and We Use Them Accordingly.

   After All , God does say:
'There is nothing new under the sun!'

   Chaplain Ralph: Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the What You Need or How You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.

   If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our


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 You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com

                                               You Can Call Me at: 212-202-2545 for                                                                                            All of America at Our Red Phone & Main U.S.A. Trunk Line                                                         You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outlook.com      

               You Can Call Me for New York,                             New Jersey & The East Coast at:                             212-202-2545 Red Phone        

             You Can Call Me for Beverly Hills,                    San Francisco, L.A. & The West Coast at:                   213-200-0811 Red Phone     


We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 1972 - Present, All Rights Reserve.

        Dr. Ralph at The Red Phone Private Clinic and Our Abiding Wellness, 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health Center for Our Countries' Our Countries' Countries' VIPs, Execs, Corporate, Industry & Government Leaders, NFL, MLB, Golf & All Our Sports Pros & Athletes, Doctors, Attorneys, Professionals in All Fields, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Celebrities, Stars, TV, Movie, Entertainment & Performing Arts People & Our Nation's Private Landed Gentry & Blessed Affluents: Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers, with 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Wealth Advisement, Personal Psychotherapy, Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, Spiritual & Christian Guidance & Counsel! He Provides: 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk!  2. Personal Therapy for Your Issues, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Frustration, Stress, Betrayal, Guilt, Anger, Challenges, Losses, Changes & Trauma.  3. Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling. 4. Spiritual Guidance. We are Here for You & Yours, All in a Caring, Kind & Christian Atmosphere with Multi-Therapy, Alternative & Complimentary Holistic Medicine. This is All for You with Doc,  Directly & Personally at His Online Private Practice!

     We are Here for You, Our Clients, 24-7, Online & On Call & All by

 Conference Calling & Video Conferencing & Virtual Office Sessions!