Dr. Ralph Explains " Why Online" to Our Countries' Countries' VIPs, Execs, Corporate, Industry & Government Leaders, NFL, MLB, Golf & All Our Sports Pros & Athletes, Doctors, Attorneys, Professionals in All Fields, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Celebrities, Stars, TV, Movie, Entertainment & Performing Arts People & Our Nation's Private Landed Gentry & Blessed Affluents: Our Red Phone Counseling Clinic & Our Abiding Wellness National Teaching & Treatment, Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers, with 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Wealth Advisement, Personal Psychotherapy, Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, Spiritual Guidance & Christian Counsel!
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
.Why Online Phone, Email & Text Counseling???
Dr. Ralph at Our Red Phone Clinic &
Abiding Well Teaching & Treatment
Center Answers A Question:
Why Online Telephone, Pc, Laptop,
Email, Text Message, SMS, ETC:
Private Psychotherapy, Family,
Marriage & Couples Counseling &
Spiritual Guidance & Christian Counsel.
Dr. Ralph Offers You Online Phone Counseling & Professional Therapy Sessions and a Means to Relief & Health. We Also Can Help Your Family, Marriage & Relationships. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Your Cell Phone or Telephone with Email & Text Messaging Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding Professional Atmosphere!
We are Here for You, Our Clients, 24-7, Online & On Call & All by Conference Calling & Video Conferencing & National Office Sessions!
"When It's Time, We Listen, We Care, We're Here!"
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
Just What are the Purposes & Reasons for
Online Personal Telephone & E-Mail Counseling:
* If you would like a dependable, professional available.
* If you've been home for a long enough time to know you need to talk to a professional about some of your own private, serious concerns. If you've come to a point where you feel it's time to get some help in making some meaningful changes for yourself personally, your marriage or your children.
* If confidentiality and low public visibility are important.
* If you simply prefer communicating by Telephone or PC.
* If you see the very convenience of telephone and email as efficient,
excellent time management tools and getting vital maintenance done.
* If you would like sensible explanations, honest feedback,
reasonable recommendations and a non-judgmental,
professional, Christian point of view, in confidentiality.
* If your time is limited and your schedule is full.
* If you are temporarily assigned or away from home.
* If you travel and live in Any Part of The World, and
Really would like to be able to speak with An American
Professional, who sounds like and understands our culture.
* If you can not leave your home or work setting
for So Many Practical and Realistic Reasons and
God Given Responsibilities that Must be Honored.
* If you simply prefer communicating by Telephone or PC.
* If you have no counseling facilities in the immediate area.
* If you live alone or in an area where you would like
an occasional telephone call or e-mail for reassurance.
* If you need a Counselor or Professional Friend that will be
there for you whenever you need some support or to talk things out.
* If your dealing with PAIN, you know, all the time...
* If you need a service that will offer regularly scheduled
calls made to your family and the people you love and care for.
* If you are unable to leave your home because
of severe emotional conditions such as phobias.
* If you are temporarily recovering at home.
* If you are Home Bound by Disability or Handicap.
* If you suffer a birth related, life long or chronic illness.
www.DrRalphStat.com You Can Call Me Directly for All of America and Internationally at: 212-202-2545 or Los Angeles & The West Coast at: 213-200-0811 or Chicago, Denver & Our Midwest at: 320-313-8833
You Can Also Email Me or Journal Me at: DoctorRalph@outook.com
We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 1972 - Present, All Rights Reserve.
Dr. Ralph at The Red Phone Private Clinic and Our Abiding Wellness, 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health Center for Our Countries' Our Countries' Countries' VIPs, Execs, Corporate, Industry & Government Leaders, NFL, MLB, Golf & All Our Sports Pros & Athletes, Doctors, Attorneys, Professionals in All Fields, Well Known Folks & Public Figures, Celebrities, Stars, TV, Movie, Entertainment & Performing Arts People & Our Nation's Private Landed Gentry & Blessed Affluents: Concierge & Integrative Holistic Medicine Centers, with 24-7 Online & On Call, Tele-Health, Wealth Advisement, Personal Psychotherapy, Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, Spiritual & Christian Guidance & Counsel! He Provides: 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk! 2. Personal Therapy for Your Issues, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Frustration, Stress, Betrayal, Guilt, Anger, Challenges, Losses, Changes & Trauma. 3. Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling. 4. Spiritual Guidance. We are Here for You & Yours, All in a Caring, Kind & Christian Atmosphere with Multi-Therapy, Alternative & Complimentary Holistic Medicine. This is All for You with Doc, Directly & Personally at His Online Private Practice!