Dr. Ralph Offers & Explains Personally to You,
Our Depression Sufferers & Your Marriages Families:
Answers, Signs, Symptoms & Types.
We Offer Help, Treatment & Relief by
Nationwide Online Phone & Cell Phone
Counseling, Therapy Session & Wholistic Treatment.
Dr. Ralph Offers Nationwide Online Phone Counseling & Professional Therapy Sessions and a Wholistic Means to Relief & Health for Your Severe Suffering from Depression: Sadness, Unusual Crying Spells, Loneliness, Low Self-Esteem, Self-Dislike or Self Hatred, Feeling Very Insecure, Little Confidence, Hopelessness, Unworthiness, Social Withdrawal, Just Don't Care Anymore, Interests & Desires Falling Away, No or Low Energy & Can't Get Going, Difficult Getting Energy or Motivation and Again, A Kind of Personal Paralysis. We Also Can Help Your Family, Marriage & Relationships. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Your Cell Phone or Telephone with Email & Text Messaging Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Christian Like, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding Professional Atmosphere!
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Dr. Ralph Offers Personal Help to Marriages, Families, Relationships, Couples & You for the Hard Challenges, Questions, Means & Ways of Depression.
This is an Way to Learn about the Sign, Symptoms & Sufferings of Depression & A Listing of Treatment Options, that can be Considered for Your Comfort, Control, Relief & Health.
Dr. Ralph: Anxiety is very often found with accompanying
Depressive Disorders and it's important to be aware of these
possibilities, so you can understand & present them for treatment.
Some of the Signs & Symptoms of Depression
Depression is used to describe unusual or abnormal mood changes & extremes that cause dysfunction or suffering. These mood disorders can be Unipolar with Single Periods of Depressive Episode or Bipolar with Depressed Mood but also Mania: where the Alternating Mood can be Elevated, Energetic & Europhic.
Depression is one of the most common medical conditions. This can be caused by genetics, severe stress, neuro problems and changes, physical, emotional or substance, life, social & family major changes & losses...
Personal Counseling, Talk Therapy & Pharmacological & Medicine Treatments have proven quite effective in treatment!
All This with the Help of Our Kind People at Wikipdia.com
Major Depression
A major depressive episode is characterized by either feelings of sadness or a loss of interest that persists for at least two weeks and causes difficulties in an individual's functioning at work, school, home, or in relationships with friends or family. Other common symptoms that might be present include:
- A low mood for most of the day
- Feelings of guilt
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Feeling nervous or anxious
- Feeling slow and sluggish
- Changes in appetite/weight loss or gain
- Irritability or agitation
- Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
- Decreased libido
- Having trouble with concentration or memory
- Loss of energy or feeling fatigued
- Unexplained physical symptoms
- Frequently experiencing breakdowns or crying
- Thoughts of suicide or thoughts or wishes of death
Most individuals with major depression will not have all or even most of these symptoms. Individuals may also have "masked" depression, when they do not realize that they are depressed, but it is noticed by others. Major depressive episodes are classified as being mild, moderate, severe with or without psychotic symptoms (e.g., hearing voices). Subtypes of major depressive episodes include catatonic, melancholic, and atypical. If an individual has had more than one major depressive episode, then the diagnosis of major depressive disorder can be made.
Individuals with a major depressive episode or major depressive disorder are at increased risk for suicide. It is common for depressed individuals to feel that they are somehow responsible and "to blame" for the way they are feeling, and it is easy for them to believe that others are "better off without them". It is vital that professional help and treatment is sought as soon as possible and that treatment follows. Seeking help and treatment from a health professional dramatically reduces the individual's risk for suicide. Research studies have demonstrated that asking if a depressed friend or family member has thought of committing suicide is an effective way of identifying those at risk, and it does not "plant" the idea or increase an individual's risk for suicide in any way.
Both antidepressant medications and psychotherapy are used to treat major depression. Studies have demonstrated that the combination of an antidepressant medication with psychotherapy is more likely to be effective than either treatment alone. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors such as venlafaxine (Effexor), and bupropion (Wellbutrin), a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, are the most common first-line drugs used to treat major depression. These drugs are typically used first due to their favorable side effect profiles. Other older classes of drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are sometimes used as well. Studies have demonstrated that most approved antidepressants have comparable efficacies, and so the selection of a particular medication is usually based on its side effect profile. Cognitive behavioral therapy, a type of psychotherapy that focuses on how thoughts and behaviors affect mood, has been shown to be effective in treating major depression. Other types of psychotherapy including psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy are also commonly used and may be effective as well.
Dysthymia (also referred to as Dysthymic Disorder) is a chronic low grade depression that is less severe than a major depressive episode but that persists for at least two years during which the individual is not without the depressive symptoms for more than two months. Dysthymia is often characterized by a disinterest in activities, an inability to feel enjoyment or pleasure, and/or feelings of chronic sadness. Like with major depression, there is some decrease in functioning at work, school, or home or difficulty in relationships with friends or family members. Individuals with dysthymia can have the same symptoms as those with major depression. So-called "double depression" can exist when an individual with dysthymia develops a major depressive disorder as well. The treatment of dysthymia is largely the same as for major depression, including antidepressant medications and psychotherapy.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of unipolar depression that develops annually, usually in the winter when the sun's light is less intense and the length of the day is shorter. People who live at higher latitudes tend to have less sunlight exposure in the winter and therefore experience higher rates of SAD. SAD is also more prevalent in people who are younger and typically affects more females than males.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), the criteria for Seasonal Affective Disorder include:
- The person experiences a regular pattern of depressive episodes, which begin at a certain time of the year
- The depressed mood also stops or changes at a regular time each year
- It has lasted longer than 2 years
- The person has experienced more seasonal types of depression than other types (major depression for example)
Eventually, with the onset of spring, the affected individual comes out of the depressive episode, and depending on circumstances, the improvement may be almost immediate. The emotional difficulties that occur with major depressive episodes may also occur with SAD; however, compared with individuals with non-seasonal major depressive episodes, individuals with SAD are more likely to report increased sleep, increased appetite, weight gain, and consuming greater amounts of foods high in sugars and carbohydrates.
The treatment of SAD usually involves antidepressant medications, especially the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and bright light therapy. In bright light therapy, an individual sits directly in front of a specially designed bright light that usually delivers 10,000 lumens of light at a distance of 18 inches (46 cm). During the light exposure the lamp must be at the proper distance and directed towards the patients eyes, which must be open so that the light enters the eyes and hits the retina. The bright light exposure is typically prescribed for 30 to 45 minutes shortly after awakening in the morning.
A very small minority of individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder have recurrent depressive episode during summer and starting to feel better towards winter. This is known as summer SAD and is quite rare.
Bipolar depression
Bipolar disorders (previously known as manic depression) are characterized by alternating periods of depressed mood and extremely elevated mood. A manic episode is a period of elevated mood that is often characterized by feelings of elation, increased energy, and racing thoughts. Some manic episodes are also accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions, particularly delusions of grandeur.
Individuals with bipolar disorders people experience both poles of mood—the extreme highs and the extreme lows. The bipolar disorders include Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, and cyclothymia ("cycling mood" in Latin).
Bipolar I Disorder
People with Bipolar I Disorder have periods where they meet the classification for major depression, then eventually their mood alters and they begin to experience the extreme opposite - increased energy and feelings of wellbeing. The major depression phase of Bipolar I can consist of the following:
- Diminished sleep and appetite
- Ideas or acts of self-harm or suicide
- Loss of interest and enjoyment
- Reduced energy
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Apathy
- Depressed mood
- Lowered concentration and attention
- Reduced self-esteem and self-confidence
- Guilt
- Unworthiness
- Becoming pessimistic
The manic phase of Bipolar Disorder consists of quite opposing symptoms:
- A distinct increase in energy and activity
- Impaired judgement
- Lack of insight
- Distractability
- Hostile behaviour
- Disjointed thinking
- Feelings of wellbeing
- Physical efficiency
- Mental efficiency
While a person experiencing mania may appear more sociable and talkative, they may feel like they are losing control with all these extreme feelings. With Bipolar I, the person may also experience paranoia and hallucinations which modify their perceptions of the world around them.
Bipolar II Disorder
A person with Bipolar II Disorder will experience both ups and downs such as those with Bipolar I, and feel the same sense of depression. However, the important difference between Bipolar I and II is that the person experiences hypomania, not mania. Hypomanic symptoms include becoming more sociable, feeling the constant need to talk, being extremely friendly, experiencing a decrease in the amount of sleep needed.
A person with Bipolar II Disorder will not have hallucinations or paranoid ideas. The manic feelings are less extreme in this type of Bipolar Disorder, however the impact on the person can be similar. The depression phase of both conditions is what causes the most impairment to life. This phase lasts longer than the manic or hypomanic phases and is considered to be the most distressing feature of Bipolar Disorder.
Cyclothymia is a related condition, however Bipolar Disorder can improve within a number of years, while Cyclothymia is a chronic condition that can last for a longer time. The Bipolar II symptoms do not necessarily lead to a disruption in social or occupational environments, however they have the potential to negatively impact the life of those affected.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression does not differ diagnostically from other forms of unipolar or bipolar depression except that its onset is within the first four weeks after giving birth. It is thought to be brought about by the hormonal and social changes that follow birth including the constant time demands and interruption of sleep that occur with a newborn, a changing relationship with a partner, the loss of independence, losing contact with friends, adjusting to a different lifestyle, and increased financial pressures from new expenses and reduce income. Earlier life events may contribute to the susceptibility for postpartum depression. Women who have experienced poor parenting when they were young may be more at risk. A history of abuse is also a risk factor that can predispose a woman to postpartum depression. The severity of the depression can range from mild to very severe, and the length can vary from two weeks to months or even greater than a year.
It is quite common for women to experience the "baby blues", a short term feeling of tiredness and sadness in the first few weeks after giving birth. However, postpartum depression is different because it can cause significant hardship and impaired functioning at home, work, or school as well as possibly difficulty in relationships with family members, spouses, friends, or even problems bonding with the newborn.
Treatment of postpartum depression can be complicated by the fact that many women wish to avoid taking medications in order to continue breastfeeding. It is important to evaluate the possible benefits of pharmacological treatments versus the possible benefits of breastfeeding and the possible risks of breastfeeding if a medication will be prescribed. Not all medications are transmitted via breast milk, and of those that are transmitted via breast milk, some are transmitted at only trace concentrations and some might pose little or no risk to the infant. In the treatment of postpartum major depressive disorders and other unipolar depressions in women who are breastfeeding, nortriptyline, paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft) are generally considered to be the preferred medications.
Our Online Treatment Program.
Dr. Ralph: Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the Kind of Depression You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.
We Combine Traditional Psychological Health Treatment Methods, Cognitive Re-Structuring, Behavioral Shifting, Historical Resolution, Stress & Pain Management Techniques, De-Sensitivization, Progressive Relaxation, Clinical Hypnosis, Medical & Pharmacological Models, Pastoral Therapy& Other Appropriate Approaches by
The Most Important Ingredient: A Serious, Focused, One to One, Genuine, Caring, Practical & Non-Judgmental, Confidential, Private & Personal, Counseling Therapy Relationship.
Besides Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies & Spiritual Counseling, Other Modalities may be used in conjunction with drug therapy including relaxation techniques, pleasant mental imagery and Functional Clinical Hypnosis.
Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique used to treat symptoms & sufferings. It is based upon having the person relax, then imagine the components of the situation, working from the least difficult to the strongest.
Graded, incremental, real life exposure has also been used with
success to help some people overcome their re-current fears & thoughts.
Cognitive-behavioral approaches teach patients how to view the depressive situations differently and demonstrate ways to reduce these reactions, using breathing exercises or techniques to refocus attention, for example. Another technique used in cognitive-behavioral therapy, called exposure therapy, can often help alleviate symptoms. In exposure therapy, people are very slowly exposed to the sensitive situation until they become desensitized to it.
How we go about giving relief is a matter of understanding you and your particular circumstances and symptoms and then using the appropriate means to alleviate your suffering.
No, It's Not Easy but It is Possible to have RELIEF.
Basically We first need to know and understand the kind of Depressive Ways You are suffering and then we can begin a program of Rescue & Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our Home. Contact Me-Appts-Fees.
Below is More Information for You:
When to Get Help & The Different Type of Treatment Modalities, etc.
When to Seek Professional Help
for Depressive Episodes, Symptoms & Suffering.
While self-help coping strategies for depression can be very effective, if your Depression has become so strong that they’re causing extreme distress or disrupting your daily routine, it is important to seek professional help.
If you’re experiencing a lot of physical symptoms, consider getting a medical checkup. Your doctor can check to make sure that your depression isn’t caused by a medical condition, such as a thyroid problem, diabetis, hypoglycemia, or asthma. Since certain drugs and supplements can cause sever reactions, your doctor will also want to know about any prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and recreational drugs you’re taking.
If your physician rules out a medical cause, the next step is to consult with a therapist who has experience treating Depression and Depressive Disorders. The therapist will work with you to determine the cause and type of your sufferings and devise a course of treatment.
Treatment Options for Depressive Disorders
Depression responds to treatment. The specific treatment approach & timing of Relief depends on the type of Depression and severity. But in general, most Depressive Disorders are treated with behavioral therapy, medication, CounselingTherapy or some combination therof. Sometimes alternative treatments may also be helpful.
Behavioral Therapy for Depressive Disorders.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy are types of behavioral therapy, meaning they focus on behavior rather than on underlying psychological conflicts or issues from the past.
- Cognitive-behavior therapy focuses on thoughts—or cognitions—in addition to behaviors. In depressive disorder treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you identify and challenge the negative thinking patterns and irrational beliefs that fuel your suffering.
- Exposure therapy for depression treatment encourages you to confront your thoughts in a safe, controlled environment. Through repeated exposures to the thought or situation, either in your imagination or in reality, you gain a greater sense of control. As you face these without negative effect, your symptoms diminish.
Medication for Depressive & Anxiety disorders
Is Medication Right for You?
Medications can be habit forming and cause unwanted side effects, so be sure to research your options. It’s important to weigh the benefits and risks so you can make an informed decision about whether medication is the right treatment for you.
A variety of medications, including benzodiazepines and antidepressants, are used in the treatment. But medication is most effective when combined with counseling therapy, behavioral therapy and self-help strategies. Medication may sometimes be used in the short-term to relieve severe symptoms so that other forms of therapy can be pursued.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our
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"Dr. Ralph" at The Abiding Well Online Nationwide Wholistic Clinic Offering National Telephone Counseling & Wellness , Treatment & Relief! We have Couple's, Marriage, Family & Relationship Counseling and Personal Anxiety & Depression Therapy by Mobile Cell Phone & Telephone. We Offer 1. Simple & Easy, Confidential Talk-It-Out & Be Heard Therapy for Very Private & Personal Issues. 2. Tele-Psychotherapy, Holistic Treatments & Medix, Hypnosis, IBSR(Intensive Base Sub Rooting), Progressive Relaxation, Guided Imagery and Onward for Your Personal Sufferings & Challenges: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Severe Stress, Confusion, Cognitive, Memory, Attention, Focus & Thinking Difficulties; Major Life Decision Making, Paralyzing Fears, Overwhelming Phobias & Sufferings. Depression, Guilt, Loneliness, Grief, Severe Losses, Life Changes, Adjustments, Worthlessness, Hopelessness, The Crying & Sadness, The Lost Desire to Do Much Anymore, No Energy or Motivation, Low Confidence & Self Esteem, Wanting to Give Up... 3. Tele-Counseling for Your Marriage, Family & Couples: The Anger, Frustration, Hurt, Betrayal, Hatred, Forgiveness, Not Heard or Understood, No One is Listening, Mis-Understandings &The Sadness, Heartache & Pain. We Can Also Provide You with Spiritual Counsel & Guidance, About Finding God or Your Higher Power & Your Meaning & Purpose on This Planet. We Can Give You Life Coaching and Goal Mentoring to Realize Your Special Dreams & Correct Gifts, Help You Plan & Work to Your Life Goals. We Work with Very Busy & Hard Working Adult Americans & Canadians, and also, Our Retired & Senior Citizens, and Also with People Who are Home Bound, Recovering or Can't Leave Their Homes, and Yes We Give At Your Office Counseling Sessions, Conveniently for Busy Business People & Professionals. This is a Private & Confidential Place for Support & A Means to Talk Out or Work Through Your Thoughts, Challenges & Decisions, Family, Marriage & Relationship Difficulties & Also Anxiety, Phobias, Depression, Sadness, Loneliness, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem, Grief, Betrayal, Frustration, Emotional Suffering, Thinking & Cognitive Difficulties, Major Decisions and Finding the Paths & Ways to Reach Your Personal Goals. We are Here for You: People in All Professions and Trades: Medicine, Hospitals, Helping & Healthcare, Business Owners and All Office Staff & Employees, Corporate, Executive, Retail, Management, Our Gifted Craftsmen & Tradesmen, Police & Fire Departments, Military, Attorneys, Judges, Law & Court Folks, Retail, Real Estate, Finance, Brokers, Consultants, Arts, Scientists & Researchers, Education, Students, Teachers, Engineering, Electronics, Computers, Web Specialists and Most Importantly, for All of Your Caring & Concerned Spouses & Families. We are Available for Our United States & Canada & All of the Countries Where You are Assigned, Living or Working, Internationally, by Your Cell Phone & Landline Phone, Tablets, E-Mail, Text Messaging or SMS & Easy & Convenient Internet & Computer Access.
Our Counseling Holistic Therapy Family Practice was Established in the very early 1970's & as Our Entire Family & Businesses moved "Out West." We of course had Our Local in Town, Appointment Visits Clinic, Family Practice & Business Offices. We have always had Telephone Counseling Sessions... Later, We Expanded to Nationwide Online Mobile Counseling Therapy by Telephone & Cell Phone with Email & Text Messaging Support: when we acquired this website. This has been the Abiding Well Wholistic Counseling, Therapy and Alternative-Complimentary Treatment Clinic in Service from 1972 to The Present, All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, as Needed, All Rights Reserved.