DrDr. Ralph's Abiding Well Wholistic National Counseling, Therapy, Alternative & Complimentary Medicine, Trauma & Treatment Clinic.

Dr. Ralph Explains to Depression Sufferers,
1. Our Treatment Program & Different Options & We Offer Nationwide Online Counseling & Therapy.
2. Our Explanations of Depression: What & How It Works.
Dr. Ralph Offers Nationwide Online Phone Counseling & Professional Therapy Sessions and a Wholistic Means to Relief & Health for Your Severe Suffering from Depression: Sadness, Unusual Crying Spells, Loneliness, Low Self-Esteem, Self-Dislike or Self Hatred, Feeling Very Insecure, Little Confidence, Hopelessness, Unworthiness, Social Withdrawal, Just Don't Care Anymore, Interests & Desires Falling Away, No or Low Energy & Can't Get Going, Difficult Getting Energy or Motivation and Again, A Kind of Personal Paralysis. We Also Can Help Your Family, Marriage & Relationships. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Your Cell Phone or Telephone with Email & Text Messaging Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding Professional Atmosphere!
* DrRalphTalk.com * Our Homepage. Sitemap.

A Note from Dr. Ralph:
We Offer You to You, Our Specialized Depression Relief,
Online Phone Counseling & Therapy Sessions, Relief & Treatment Program: This is All Confidentially & Conveniently, with Personal & Easy Access by Your Cell Phone, Telephone or with Email & Text Messaging Support & PC Communication, to Help You with Answers & Direction for Your Suffering from Anxiety Disorders, Excessive Worry, Stress Management, Fear, Phobia, Panic Attacks, & OCD-Obsessive Compulsivee Disorders; All Privately by Phone & Mobile Nationwide.
A Personal Patient's Depression Experiences, Our Own Program & Ways that We Can Help and Our Explanations of Signs, Symptoms & Sufferings.
Dr. Ralph: First of All and Simply Put, All Depression
Problems or Conditions Can Be Treated and Relieved.
...NOTE: Depression very often accompanies Anxiety Difficulties, Disorders and Sufferings. It's important to be aware of these possibilities, so you can understand & explain them and present them for treatment.
In a Few Words: Because There are So Many Types of Depression Difficulties and Suffering, and Also So Many Different Treatment Options: How We go about affecting relief is a matter of really, personally understanding you, your particular circumstances and symptoms and then using the most effective and appropriate means to alleviate your suffering?
No, It's Not Easy, but It is Possible to have RELIEF.
Everything Else, as Written Below, Explains Depression in more Detail,
with more Elaborate Details, Signs Symptoms & Clinical Data...
You Can Click on My Contact Link Above or Read On Below!
In More Detail, Our Treatment Program.
Depression: Information and Forms: If you'd like, scroll down the page, look over the information below and see if any of the areas apply or seem to fit your situation. This page consists partly of simple, personally focused issues, as well as, a clinical listing of symptoms that we hope to help people work through and resolve:
Offering Treatment and Relief To Help You through Depression.
About Our Depression Online Treatment Program.
Dr. Ralph Combines Traditional Psychological Health Treatment Methods, Cognitive Re-Structuring, Behavioral Shifting, Historical Resolution, Stress & Pain Management Techniques, De-Sensitivization, Progressive Relaxation, Clinical Hypnosis, Medical & Pharmacological Models, Practical Christian Pastoral Biblical Therapy& Other Appropriate Approaches by
The Most Important Ingredient: A Serious, Focused, One to One, Genuine, Caring, Practical & Non-Judgmental, Confidential, Private & Personal, Counseling Therapy Relationship.
- As You may already know there are a wealth of self help books and treatment means available. Many of You have tried the Self -Help Methods available which is one means of seeking relief.
- Information: One of the first steps, if you haven't already tried, is to Locate and Then Explain to You Personally & in Detail: the Exact Type of Depression You are Experiencing, so you have a beginning hold on what is happening to you. This in itself offers some relief and hope for change.
- Cognitive Restructuring and Thinking Changes.
- Locating the Triggers to Depression and Episodes: Feelings, Situations, Thoughts that these Sufferings Off. Then Desensitizing and Closing Them Down.
- Identifying all of the actual felt symptoms and then learning to control them in a achievable and easy paced way to stop them going into a full blown attack.
- ...Fear of the Coming Possible Episode, as You Well Know, is a Strong Stressor.
- Learning Simple Situational Avoidances Associated with Depression.
- To Some Extent, Good Old Regular Exercise, may help reduce the frequency of the episodes. Yes, as it does really works for some people.
- What You Eat and Drink: Practically Speaking, Caffeine and other Stimulants should be reduced or eliminated. Also Certain Foods affect your system and feelings in different ways and we can find and control these cause and effect foods.
- Breaking down, into A Step by Step & Achievable: What seems to be the Overwhelming Task of, An Easier Going and Accomplishable Plan & Walk Down the Road to Comfort, Control & Relief.
Though out the years of my private practice, I have found that significant healing and continuous mental health requires a variety of approaches.......... Yes Trying Different Treatment Regimens & Answers
In most cases, effective professionals are aware of and do address the mental or cognitive, the behavioral, the emotional-social and physical aspects of their patients in order to affect relief. There is another area with is often not considered. This Area is Spirituality and the Relationship A Person has with God or A Higher Power. Full Health and Happiness are based on the quality and depth of this connection. I believe this can have the most profound effect on getting well.
In some cases I will be working with your family physician or psychiatrist, if you agree, to use anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications, for a term, which have shown great results for anxiety, stress and depression, BUT only if they are called for to help you in healing. We believe medication should be used, only if necessary, and then carefully administered and monitored.
These medications work on your the central nervous system to help heal and actually normalize it, to reduce the feelings of anxiety, depression and others symptoms.
Actually studies have shown that the personal therapeutic counseling relationship approach, along with correct medication is far more effective for relief in the long run.
Besides Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies & Spiritual Counseling, Other Modalities may be used in conjunction with drug therapy including relaxation techniques, pleasant mental imagery and Functional Clinical Hypnosis.
Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique used to treat phobias. It is based upon having the person relax, then imagine the components of the phobia, working from the least fearful to the most fearful.
Graded, incremental, real life exposure has also been used with
success to help some people overcome their depressive times.
Cognitive-behavioral approaches teach patients how to view the depressive episodes & situations differently and demonstrate ways to reduce symptoms, using breathing exercises or techniques to refocus attention, for example.
So Again, First of All and Simply Put, All Kinds of Depression & Types & Synptoms or Conditions Can Be Treated & Relieved.
How we go about affecting relief is a matter of understanding you and your particular circumstances and symptoms and then using the appropriate means to alleviate your suffering.
No, It's Not Easy but It is Possible to have RELIEF.
Basically We first need to know and understand the kind of depression you're suffering from and then we can begin a program of Rescue & Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our
* DrRalphTalk.com * Our Homepage. Sitemap. |
Find Us:
"Dr. Ralph" at The Abiding Well Online Nationwide Wholistic Clinic Offering National Phone Counseling & Wellness , Treatment & Relief! We have Couple's, Marriage, Family & Relationship Counseling and Personal Anxiety & Depression Therapy by Mobile Cell Phone & Telephone. We Offer 1. Simple & Easy, Confidential Talk-It-Out & Be Heard Therapy for Very Private & Personal Issues. 2. Tele-Psychotherapy, Holistic Treatments & Medix, Hypnosis, IBSR(Intensive Base Sub Rooting), Progressive Relaxation, Guided Imagery and Onward for Your Personal Sufferings & Challenges: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Severe Stress, Confusion, Cognitive, Memory, Attention, Focus & Thinking Difficulties; Major Life Decision Making, Paralyzing Fears, Overwhelming Phobias & Sufferings. Depression, Guilt, Loneliness, Grief, Severe Losses, Life Changes, Adjustments, Worthlessness, Hopelessness, The Crying & Sadness, The Lost Desire to Do Much Anymore, No Energy or Motivation, Low Confidence & Self Esteem, Wanting to Give Up... 3. Tele-Counseling for Your Marriage, Family & Couples: The Anger, Frustration, Hurt, Betrayal, Hatred, Forgiveness, Not Heard or Understood, No One is Listening, Mis-Understandings &The Sadness, Heartache & Pain. We Can Also Provide You with Spiritual Counsel & Guidance, About Finding God or Your Higher Power & Your Meaning & Purpose on This Planet. We Can Give You Life Coaching and Goal Mentoring to Realize Your Special Dreams & Correct Gifts, Help You Plan & Work to Your Life Goals. We Work with Very Busy & Hard Working Adult Americans & Canadians, and also, Our Retired & Senior Citizens, and Also with People Who are Home Bound, Recovering or Can't Leave Their Homes, and Yes We Give At Your Office Counseling Sessions, Conveniently for Busy Business People & Professionals. This is a Private & Confidential Place for Support & A Means to Talk Out or Work Through Your Thoughts, Challenges & Decisions, Family, Marriage & Relationship Difficulties & Also Anxiety, Phobias, Depression, Sadness, Loneliness, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem, Grief, Betrayal, Frustration, Emotional Suffering, Thinking & Cognitive Difficulties, Major Decisions and Finding the Paths & Ways to Reach Your Personal Goals. We are Here for You: People in All Professions and Trades: Medicine, Hospitals, Helping & Healthcare, Business Owners and All Office Staff & Employees, Corporate, Executive, Retail, Management, Our Gifted Craftsmen & Tradesmen, Police & Fire Departments, Military, Attorneys, Judges, Law & Court Folks, Retail, Real Estate, Finance, Brokers, Consultants, Arts, Scientists & Researchers, Education, Students, Teachers, Engineering, Electronics, Computers, Web Specialists and Most Importantly, for All of Your Caring & Concerned Spouses & Families. We are Available for Our United States & Canada & All of the Countries Where You are Assigned, Living or Working, Internationally, by Your Cell Phone & Landline Phone, Tablets, E-Mail, Text Messaging or SMS & Easy & Convenient Internet & Computer Access.
Our Counseling Holistic Therapy Family Practice was Established in the very early 1970's & as Our Entire Family & Businesses moved "Out West." We of course had Our Local in Town, Appointment Visits Clinic, Family Practice & Business Offices. We have always had Telephone Counseling Sessions... Later, We Expanded to Nationwide Online Mobile Counseling Therapy by Telephone & Cell Phone with Email & Text Messaging Support: when we acquired this website. This has been the Abiding Well Wholistic Counseling, Therapy and Alternative-Complimentary Treatment Clinic in Service from 1972 to The Present, All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, as Needed, All Rights Reserved.