... |
Our Abiding Well & Affluent-We, Virtual Online & 24-7 On Call Clinic. We Offer: 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk! 2. Personal Therapy and 3. Family & Marriage Counseling for Your Life Challenges, Changes, Guidance, Trauma & Treatment. We are Here for You and Yours, All in a Caring, Kind & Christian Atmosphere with Multi-Therapy Alternative & Complimentary Medicine. * DrRalphTalk.com * Our Homepage. Sitemap |
... |
Our Auria Wellness & Affluent-We, Virtual Online & 24-7 On Call Clinic. We Offer: 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk! 2. Personal Therapy and 3. Family & Marriage Counseling for Your Life Challenges, Changes, Guidance, Trauma & Treatment. We are Here for You and Yours, All in a Caring, Kind & Christian Atmosphere with Multi-Therapy Alternative & Complimentary Medicine..
Dr. Ralph Offers:
Some Thoughts about The Good People
We Can Help, Life in General &
Our Professional Counseling Focus at
Our 24-7 Abiding Well & Affluent We,
Virtual Online & On Call 24-7,
Marriage, Family & Couples Virtual Clinic.
Rev. Dr. Ralph Gives Our Clients, Nationwide Online Phone Counseling by 1. Just Plain Confidential Talk & Listening. 2. Professional Anxiety, Depression & Grief Therapy Sessions. We Hope to Give You a Means to Comfort, Control, Relief & Health for Your Suffering. 3. We Also Offer Marriage, Family & Relationship Counseling. 4. Concerns & Guidance for Your Religious or Spiritual Life. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Your Cell Phone or Telephone with Email & Text Messaging Communication & Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Christian, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding, Professional Atmosphere!

A Fireside Chat with
Good Old Rev. Dr. Ralph...
Some Info about The People & The Ways We Serve.
Message from Chaplain Ralph:
"We're a busy people in America and our time must be spent wisely.
Good Health, whether is be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, is a must to efficient performance and an advantage in this stressful world."
...Our Service is for the "Functioning Generally Pretty Well, but Needing Some Serious, Specific, Private Help and Support" or "I've Waited Too Long and Things are Getting Out of Hand," Woman, Man & Their Marriage and Family Members. These are people who understand the value of time, are self aware and know there are places in life, where a Confidential, Professional, Counselor, Friend and Mentor is of great value. The good people with whom I work with realize the importance of their situation. These folks are seriously interested in making the necessary adjustments and expect to follow practical, sometimes difficult to affect, but reasonable and necessary life course changes and recommendations to enrich their lives.
The People I speak with are successful in their own right and field. Sometimes, however, there are very personal areas that need serious attention, issues that need to be worked through or an emotional disorder, wound or behavior which needs to be focused, healed and treated, which of course benefits the whole person. They know, or have learned, that taking care of a problem, not denying it, gets it most quickly resolved.
At Our Abiding Clinic and Affluent-We Tele-Clinic, We Offer Nationwide & International Online Telephone Counseling & Professional Therapy, and of course, this gives some superb advantages in terms of Quick Response, Appointment Time, Convenience & Personal Confidentiality. We Also have E-Mail &Text Messaging Support! This Treatment Method is based on the time it takes for me to "Read and Reply" to your message. In some cases this will only be a few minutes of my time to Respond, and a lot of writing on your part... At other times, I will receive a lot more information from you, I will need to give you more of an in depth answer, in order to properly address your concerns, questions and situation. I may also let you know that We need to have a Telephone Session. Combining TELEPHONE, E-MAIL & TEXT COMM offers some wonderful advantages over office visits in terms of response, appointment time, convenience and confidentiality...
Major Decision Making:
To be able to talk out options and help find the path that's
right for you. "I've come to a point where I know it's time to
get some help in making some meaningful changes for myself and
my life. I would like to talk out some things with someone who will
listen, is not biased, is trustable and is outside of my family, work
and social circles."
"I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at
my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing
decisions. There are some very personal matters I've been
wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time
now... I need to speak to someone who is Good Hearted or Non-Judgmental or Kind or has Good Christian Like Values.
"I believe an Understanding of God's Ways can help me find His Will for Me. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable."
For Personal, Marital and Relationship Problems
If you would like sensible explanations, honest feedback, reasonable recommendations and a non-biased, professional point of view in a safe, caring and private environment. If your emotions are becoming alarmingly unpredictable and out of control. If there are some personal problems, questions, decisions, issues or relationships that you would like to spend some time talking about in an atmosphere where you will be listened to and heard.
Example: "I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing decisions that I've been considering for some time now. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable." I think I would like a serious Honest, Understanding & Christian Like perspective. There are some very personal matters I've been wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time now..."
* If You Seriously Seek Relief and Direction.
* If You have Questions & Need Simple, Practical Answers.
* If You are Seeking Direction & are Willing To Grow.
* If You Would Like to Work Through Special Areas in Your Heart, Life & Spirit: Private Matters and some that Have Needed to Be Dealt with & Shared for A Long Time.
* If You are Facing or Suffering Badly from Some of These Spiritual Issues: Life's Meaning & Purpose, Frustration, Serious Decisions, Grief & Severe Personal Losses, Disappointments, Discouragement, Rejection, Broken Promises No One Seems to be Listening or Really Cares, The Many Faces of Depression, Guilt, Forgiveness, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Panic, Phobia & Trust Issues.
* If You Seek Peace of Mind or Spiritual Guidance, have Serious Questions or would like, A Greater Understanding and Practical Means to Develop Your Relationship with God or Your Higher Power.
In It's Simplicity: Our Treatment Program
Though out the years of my private practice, beginning back in The 1970's, I have found that significant healing and continuous mental health requires a variety of approaches.
My Clients have a wide range of counseling needs: Sometimes we'll have several sessions a week, especially at the beginning, and other folks really just want someone they can trust available, AS NEEDED, perhaps once a month, or when things build up and they want to spend some time letting go of feelings and stresses with a safe, confidential, professional friend.
This is your life, so you decide how often you would like to talk and at what pace you're comfortable with handling serious issues...
There are many parts of us which need to be considered, evaluated,
understood, dealt with, accepted and perhaps changed in order to
promote effective healing and permanent personal growth.
Some of these areas are:
* Physical - Biological. |
* How We Relate to God or the Higher Power if you wish.
* Mental - Cognitive - Thought. |
* Spiritual Issues- Purpose. |
* Emotional -Feeling Levels. |
* Our Past Experiences. |
* Personal - Social Relationships. |
* Our Present Circumstances. |
* Daily Activities - Work. |
* Our Future Expectations - Goals. |
* Family - Marital. |
* Environmental Forces. |
* Powerful Relationships |
* Major Life Changes & Trauma. |
Health and Well Being come from:
1. Getting to Know Honestly, Where We Stand or How We have Been Affected in These Areas.
2. Learning and Accepting the Realities or What We Do and Who We Are.
3. Realizing We Can Be in Charge and No Longer a Victim.
Simply: We are What We Believe, Say and Think and How We Act as a Result.
4. Finding a Way to Carefully, and Sometimes Patiently, and Yes, with Help and Hard Work, Powerfully Change Over to The Place Where, and The Person Whom, We Really Want to Be...
5. Discovering the Path to Health and Wholeness by Applying simple and powerful Biblical Principles, and getting to know Our Father God, Very Personally and Specifically to You, and for Your Life, through developing a Profound, Loving, Ongoing and Constant Relationship with Him through Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
In most cases, effective professionals are aware of and do address the mental or cognitive, the behavioral, the emotional-social and physical aspects of their patients in order to affect relief. There is another area with is often not considered. This Area is Spirituality: the Relationship A Person Has with God. Full Health and Happiness are based on the quality and depth of this connection. I believe this connection is the most important and has the most profound effect on getting well.
Our Program consists of using The Biblical Principles and Methods of Christianity and Christian Counseling Psychology, put into sensible and understandable practice, as well as some of the Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment, Reduction and Relief Models, to dissolve Fear in any of it's forms: Anxiety, Phobia, Panic and Stress as well as The Many Faces and Forms of Depression and Degrading and Low Self Image. I believe this array and or parts of it, offers the most powerful and effective means of relief and healing for serious personal issues that affect not only ourselves but our families, social and business contacts.
Our idea of A Christian Program is non-judgmental, not degrading or guilt producing, and in fact, alleviates guilt. Often Our People have suffered A Childhood or Adult History of Victimization, Degradation, Humiliation, Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse or Some Form of Horrible Trauma or Emotional Loss.
All of Our Christian Treatment Methods are based on Simple Biblical Principles and have always been universally accepted by Folks of Every Christian Denomination. They are realistic, understandable and powerful because God is the Wonderful Counselor and Healer. There is a tremendous amount of Love and Mercy that God has for us. "Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear" and "Be Anxious for Nothing" are commonly known bible verses, and the Peace that is offered by God's Word, is what we want you to have. Making this work practically and effectively for you and in today's society and truly understanding the depths of His Love for You, and how to access it, is a very central and serious part of our job.
In some cases, with your permission, I will be working with your family physician or psychiatrist to use various appropriate medications if they are called for, to help you in healing, and/ or for a time. We believe medication should be used only if necessary and then carefully administered and monitored. These medications work on your the central nervous system to help heal and actually normalize it to reduce the feelings of anxiety, depression and others strong symptoms while you grow.
Also Know: We are very aware of, and you should also realize,
that there are some practices and therapies which are not of God...
Christian Counseling Actually Can Include:
* Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an experiential, in-depth form of treatment that explores the ways in which past experiences and emotional expectations developed in childhood have contributed to current difficulties in functioning. This form of treatment examines the complexities of interpersonal relationships, including the developing relationship with the therapist. Rational-Emotive, Behavioral Therapies, Medication, Relaxation and Breathing Techniques, Pleasant Mental Imagery and Cognitive Restructuring, Systematic Gradual Desensitization and Yes, Types of Regular Exercise.
All these are All Possibles, BUT:
Just to Let You Know, as Many have Done over the Centuries:
We have Researched and Found that some of these "New Methods" are actually taken from Our Holy Bible and We Use Them Accordingly.
After All , God does say:
'There is nothing new under the sun!'
Dr. Ralph: Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the What You Need or How You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our:
* DrRalphTalk.com * Our Homepage. Sitemap
Dr. Ralph Offers Online Virtual, Mobile, Cell Phone & Telephone; Professional Psychotherapy & Talk Therapy for You & Your Family, Marriage & Relationships Counseling Issues; Business Consultations & Decisions; Simple Talk & Venting; Life Coaching & Goal Mentoring; as well as, Spiritual Counsel & Guidance & All also with Email & Text Messaging Support. In 2002 We Expanded Our Local City Offices to Anxiety Online Phone Counseling & Therapy Sessions Nationwide. We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 2002 - Present, All Rights Reserved.
Some Thoughts about Life, Our Focus &
Some Info about The People & The Ways We Serve.
Message from Dr. Ralph:
"We're a busy people in America and our time must be spent wisely.
Good Health, whether is be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, is a must to efficient performance and an advantage in this stressful world."
...This Service is for the "Functioning Generally Pretty Well, but Needing Some Serious, Specific, Private Help and Support" or "I've Waited Too Long and Things are Getting Out of Hand," Woman, Man & Their Marriage and Family Members. These are people who understand the value of time, are self aware and know there are places in life, where a Confidential, Professional, Counselor, Friend and Mentor is of great value. The good people with whom I work with realize the importance of their situation. These folks are seriously interested in making the necessary adjustments and expect to follow practical, sometimes difficult to affect, but reasonable and necessary life course changes and recommendations to enrich their lives.
The People I speak with are successful in their own right and field. Sometimes, however, there are very personal areas that need serious attention, issues that need to be worked through or an emotional disorder, wound or behavior which needs to be focused, healed and treated, which of course benefits the whole person. They know, or have learned, that taking care of a problem, not denying it, gets it most quickly resolved.
Combining Our Abidng Clinic, Nationwide Online Telephone Counseling & Professional Therapy with E-Mail &Text Support offers some superb advantages in terms of appointment time, convenience and confidentiality. E-Mail Counseling is based on the time it takes for me to "Read and Reply" to your message. In some cases this will only be a few minutes of my time and a lot of writing on your part and at other times I might receive a barrage of concerns from you and may need to give time and thought before responding to your questions or save it for discussion in our private sessions.
E-Mail Counseling, Journaling & Text Messaging has become a tremendous form of convenient, quick and immediate communication for many of the folks who I work with. At your convenience, and at a time You are ready to share what's on your mind or heart, just type away and send it off to me. Sometimes you may only want me to read your message , reserving a response for a later session. Sometimes you'll have questions or you'll want me to give you some direction by replying. You Know: It's a good feeling knowing that someone who cares will be reading seriously, and therefore listening...
E-Mail Counseling is based on the time it takes for me to "Read and/or Reply" to your message and is at the same basic per minute rate. In some cases this will only take a few minutes of my time, to make a suggestion or to ask you to think something out. At other times, I will receive more information from you and will need to give you more of an in depth answer, in order to properly address your concerns, questions and situation. Combining TELEPHONE and E-MAIL COUNSELING offers some wonderful advantages over office visits in terms of appointment time convenience and confidentiality.
Major Decision Making:
To be able to talk out options and help find the path that's
right for you. "I've come to a point where I know it's time to
get some help in making some meaningful changes for myself and
my life. I would like to talk out some things with someone who will
listen, is not biased, is trustable and is outside of my family, work
and social circles."
"I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at
my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing
decisions. There are some very personal matters I've been
wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time
now... I need to speak to someone who is Good Hearted or Non-Judgmental or Kind or has Good Christian Like Values.
"I believe an Understanding of God's Ways can help me find His Will for Me. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable."
For Personal, Marital and Relationship Problems
If you would like sensible explanations, honest feedback, reasonable recommendations and a non-biased, professional point of view in a safe, caring and private environment. If your emotions are becoming alarmingly unpredictable and out of control. If there are some personal problems, questions, decisions, issues or relationships that you would like to spend some time talking about in an atmosphere where you will be listened to and heard.
Example: "I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing decisions that I've been considering for some time now. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable." I think I would like a serious Honest, Understanding & Christian Like perspective. There are some very personal matters I've been wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time now..."
* If You Seriously Seek Relief and Direction.
* If You have Questions & Need Simple, Practical Answers.
* If You are Seeking Direction & are Willing To Grow.
* If You Would Like to Work Through Special Areas in Your Heart, Life & Spirit: Private Matters and some that Have Needed to Be Dealt with & Shared for A Long Time.
* If You are Facing or Suffering Badly from Some of These Spiritual Issues: Life's Meaning & Purpose, Frustration, Serious Decisions, Grief & Severe Personal Losses, Disappointments, Discouragement, Rejection, Broken Promises No One Seems to be Listening or Really Cares, The Many Faces of Depression, Guilt, Forgiveness, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Panic, Phobia & Trust Issues.
* If You Seek Peace of Mind or Spiritual Guidance, have Serious Questions or would like, A Greater Understanding and Practical Means to Develop Your Relationship with God or Your Higher Power.
In It's Simplicity: Our Treatment Program
Though out the years of my private practice, beginning back in The 1970's, I have found that significant healing and continuous mental health requires a variety of approaches.
My Clients have a wide range of counseling needs: Sometimes we'll have several sessions a week, especially at the beginning, and other folks really just want someone they can trust available, AS NEEDED, perhaps once a month, or when things build up and they want to spend some time letting go of feelings and stresses with a safe, confidential, professional friend.
This is your life, so you decide how often you would like to talk and at what pace you're comfortable with handling serious issues...
There are many parts of us which need to be considered, evaluated,
understood, dealt with, accepted and perhaps changed in order to
promote effective healing and permanent personal growth.
Some of these areas are:
* Physical - Biological. |
* How We Relate to God or the Higher Power if you wish.
* Mental - Cognitive - Thought. |
* Spiritual Issues- Purpose. |
* Emotional -Feeling Levels. |
* Our Past Experiences. |
* Personal - Social Relationships. |
* Our Present Circumstances. |
* Daily Activities - Work. |
* Our Future Expectations - Goals. |
* Family - Marital. |
* Environmental Forces. |
* Powerful Relationships |
* Major Life Changes & Trauma. |
Health and Well Being come from:
1. Getting to Know Honestly, Where We Stand or How We have Been Affected in These Areas.
2. Learning and Accepting the Realities or What We Do and Who We Are.
3. Realizing We Can Be in Charge and No Longer a Victim.
Simply: We are What We Believe, Say and Think and How We Act as a Result.
4. Finding a Way to Carefully, and Sometimes Patiently, and Yes, with Help and Hard Work, Powerfully Change Over to The Place Where, and The Person Whom, We Really Want to Be...
5. Discovering the Path to Health and Wholeness by Applying simple and powerful Biblical Principles, and getting to know Our Father God, Very Personally and Specifically to You, and for Your Life, through developing a Profound, Loving, Ongoing and Constant Relationship with Him through Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
In most cases, effective professionals are aware of and do address the mental or cognitive, the behavioral, the emotional-social and physical aspects of their patients in order to affect relief. There is another area with is often not considered. This Area is Spirituality: the Relationship A Person Has with God. Full Health and Happiness are based on the quality and depth of this connection. I believe this connection is the most important and has the most profound effect on getting well.
Our Program consists of using The Biblical Principles and Methods of Christianity and Christian Counseling Psychology, put into sensible and understandable practice, as well as some of the Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment, Reduction and Relief Models, to dissolve Fear in any of it's forms: Anxiety, Phobia, Panic and Stress as well as The Many Faces and Forms of Depression and Degrading and Low Self Image. I believe this array and or parts of it, offers the most powerful and effective means of relief and healing for serious personal issues that affect not only ourselves but our families, social and business contacts.
Our idea of A Christian Program is non-judgmental, not degrading or guilt producing, and in fact, alleviates guilt. Often Our People have suffered A Childhood or Adult History of Victimization, Degradation, Humiliation, Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse or Some Form of Horrible Trauma or Emotional Loss.
All of Our Christian Treatment Methods are based on Simple Biblical Principles and have always been universally accepted by Folks of Every Christian Denomination. They are realistic, understandable and powerful because God is the Wonderful Counselor and Healer. There is a tremendous amount of Love and Mercy that God has for us. "Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear" and "Be Anxious for Nothing" are commonly known bible verses, and the Peace that is offered by God's Word, is what we want you to have. Making this work practically and effectively for you and in today's society and truly understanding the depths of His Love for You, and how to access it, is a very central and serious part of our job.
In some cases, with your permission, I will be working with your family physician or psychiatrist to use various appropriate medications if they are called for, to help you in healing, and/ or for a time. We believe medication should be used only if necessary and then carefully administered and monitored. These medications work on your the central nervous system to help heal and actually normalize it to reduce the feelings of anxiety, depression and others strong symptoms while you grow.
Also Know: We are very aware of, and you should also realize,
that there are some practices and therapies which are not of God...
Christian Counseling Actually Can Include:
* Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an experiential, in-depth form of treatment that explores the ways in which past experiences and emotional expectations developed in childhood have contributed to current difficulties in functioning. This form of treatment examines the complexities of interpersonal relationships, including the developing relationship with the therapist. Rational-Emotive, Behavioral Therapies, Medication, Relaxation and Breathing Techniques, Pleasant Mental Imagery and Cognitive Restructuring, Systematic Gradual Desensitization and Yes, Types of Regular Exercise.
All these are All Possibles, BUT:
Just to Let You Know, as Many have Done over the Centuries:
We have Researched and Found that some of these "New Methods" are actually taken from Our Holy Bible and We Use Them Accordingly.
After All , God does say:
'There is nothing new under the sun!'
Dr. Ralph: Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the What You Need or How You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our:
* DrRalphTalk.com * Our Homepage. Sitemap
Dr. Ralph; Offers Online Virtual, Mobile, Cell Phone & Telephone; Professional Psychotherapy & Talk Therapy for You & Your Family, Marriage & Relationships Counseling Issues; Business Consultations & Decisions; Simple Talk & Venting; Life Coaching & Goal Mentoring; as well as, Spiritual Counsel & Guidance & All also with Email & Text Messaging Support. In 2002 We Expanded Our Local City Offices to Anxiety Online Phone Counseling & Therapy Sessions Nationwide. We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 2002 - Present, All Rights Reserved.
Message from Dr. Ralph:
"We're a busy people in America and our time must be spent wisely.
Good Health, whether is be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, is a must to efficient performance and an advantage in this stressful world."
...This Service is for the "Functioning Generally Pretty Well, but Needing Some Serious, Specific, Private Help and Support" or "I've Waited Too Long and Things are Getting Out of Hand," Woman, Man & Their Marriage and Family Members. These are people who understand the value of time, are self aware and know there are places in life, where a Confidential, Professional, Counselor, Friend and Mentor is of great value. The good people with whom I work with realize the importance of their situation. These folks are seriously interested in making the necessary adjustments and expect to follow practical, sometimes difficult to affect, but reasonable and necessary life course changes and recommendations to enrich their lives.
The People I speak with are successful in their own right and field. Sometimes, however, there are very personal areas that need serious attention, issues that need to be worked through or an emotional disorder, wound or behavior which needs to be focused, healed and treated, which of course benefits the whole person. They know, or have learned, that taking care of a problem, not denying it, gets it most quickly resolved.
Combining Our Abiding Well Wholistic Clinic, Nationwide Online Telephone Counseling & Professional Therapy with E-Mail &Text Support offers some superb advantages in terms of appointment time, convenience and confidentiality. E-Mail Counseling is based on the time it takes for me to "Read and Reply" to your message. In some cases this will only be a few minutes of my time and a lot of writing on your part and at other times I might receive a barrage of concerns from you and may need to give time and thought before responding to your questions or save it for discussion in our private sessions.
E-Mail Counseling, Journaling & Text Messaging has become a tremendous form of convenient, quick and immediate communication for many of the folks who I work with. At your convenience, and at a time You are ready to share what's on your mind or heart, just type away and send it off to me. Sometimes you may only want me to read your message , reserving a response for a later session. Sometimes you'll have questions or you'll want me to give you some direction by replying. You Know: It's a good feeling knowing that someone who cares will be reading seriously, and therefore listening...
E-Mail Counseling is based on the time it takes for me to "Read and/or Reply" to your message and is at the same basic per minute rate. In some cases this will only take a few minutes of my time, to make a suggestion or to ask you to think something out. At other times, I will receive more information from you and will need to give you more of an in depth answer, in order to properly address your concerns, questions and situation. Combining TELEPHONE and E-MAIL COUNSELING offers some wonderful advantages over office visits in terms of appointment time convenience and confidentiality.
Major Decision Making:
To be able to talk out options and help find the path that's
right for you. "I've come to a point where I know it's time to
get some help in making some meaningful changes for myself and
my life. I would like to talk out some things with someone who will
listen, is not biased, is trustable and is outside of my family, work
and social circles."
"I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at
my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing
decisions. There are some very personal matters I've been
wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time
now... I need to speak to someone who is Good Hearted or Non-Judgmental or Kind Values.
"I believe an Understanding of My Higher Power's or God's Ways can help me find His Will for Me. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable."
For Personal, Marital and Relationship Problems
If you would like sensible explanations, honest feedback, reasonable recommendations and a non-biased, professional point of view in a safe, caring and private environment. If your emotions are becoming alarmingly unpredictable and out of control. If there are some personal problems, questions, decisions, issues or relationships that you would like to spend some time talking about in an atmosphere where you will be listened to and heard.
Example: "I realize I need to be careful now and take a clear look at my situation before I make a some rather serious life changing decisions that I've been considering for some time now. I need to make these moves not out of emotion but with the help of someone who can make sure I am being reasonable." I think I would like a serious Honest, Understanding & Honest perspective. There are some very personal matters I've been wanting to share with someone in confidence for a long time now..."
* If You Seriously Seek Relief and Direction.
* If You have Questions & Need Simple, Practical Answers.
* If You are Seeking Direction & are Willing To Grow.
* If You Would Like to Work Through Special Areas in Your Heart, Life & Spirit: Private Matters and some that Have Needed to Be Dealt with & Shared for A Long Time.
* If You are Facing or Suffering Badly from Some of These Spiritual Issues: Life's Meaning & Purpose, Frustration, Serious Decisions, Grief & Severe Personal Losses, Disappointments, Discouragement, Rejection, Broken Promises No One Seems to be Listening or Really Cares, The Many Faces of Depression, Guilt, Forgiveness, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Panic, Phobia & Trust Issues.
* If You Seek Peace of Mind or Spiritual Guidance, have Serious Questions or would like, A Greater Understanding and Practical Means to Develop Your Relationship with God or Your Higher Power.
In It's Simplicity: Our Treatment Program
Though out the years of my private practice, beginning back in The 1970's, I have found that significant healing and continuous mental health requires a variety of approaches.
My Clients have a wide range of counseling needs: Sometimes we'll have several sessions a week, especially at the beginning, and other folks really just want someone they can trust available, AS NEEDED, perhaps once a month, or when things build up and they want to spend some time letting go of feelings and stresses with a safe, confidential, professional friend.
This is your life, so you decide how often you would like to talk and at what pace you're comfortable with handling serious issues...
There are many parts of us which need to be considered, evaluated,
understood, dealt with, accepted and perhaps changed in order to
promote effective healing and permanent personal growth.
Some of these areas are:
* Physical - Biological. |
* How We Relate to God or the Higher Power if you wish.
* Mental - Cognitive - Thought. |
* Spiritual Issues- Purpose. |
* Emotional -Feeling Levels. |
* Our Past Experiences. |
* Personal - Social Relationships. |
* Our Present Circumstances. |
* Daily Activities - Work. |
* Our Future Expectations - Goals. |
* Family - Marital. |
* Environmental Forces. |
* Powerful Relationships |
* Major Life Changes & Trauma. |
Health and Well Being come from:
1. Getting to Know Honestly, Where We Stand or How We have Been Affected in These Areas.
2. Learning and Accepting the Realities or What We Do and Who We Are.
3. Realizing We Can Be in Charge and No Longer a Victim.
Simply: We are What We Believe, Say and Think and How We Act as a Result.
4. Finding a Way to Carefully, and Sometimes Patiently, and Yes, with Help and Hard Work, Powerfully Change Over to The Place Where, and The Person Whom, We Really Want to Be...
5. Discovering the Path to Health and Wholeness by Applying simple and powerful Spiritual Principles, and getting to know God or Your Higher Power, Very Personally and Specifically to You, and for Your Life, through developing a Profound, Loving, Ongoing and Constant Relationship.
In most cases, effective professionals are aware of and do address the mental or cognitive, the behavioral, the emotional-social and physical aspects of their patients in order to affect relief. There is another area with is often not considered. This Area is Spirituality: the Relationship A Person Has with God. Full Health and Happiness are based on the quality and depth of this connection. I believe this connection is the most important and has the most profound effect on getting well.
Our Program consists of using Spiritual Principles and Methods of Counseling Psychology, put into sensible and understandable practice, as well as some of the Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment, Reduction and Relief Models, to dissolve Fear in any of it's forms: Anxiety, Phobia, Panic and Stress as well as The Many Faces and Forms of Depression and Degrading and Low Self Image. I believe this array and or parts of it, offers the most powerful and effective means of relief and healing for serious personal issues that affect not only ourselves but our families, social and business contacts.
Our Program is non-judgmental, not degrading or guilt producing, and in fact, alleviates guilt. Often Our People have suffered A Childhood or Adult History of Victimization, Degradation, Humiliation, Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse or Some Form of Horrible Trauma or Emotional Loss.
All of Our Holistic Treatment Methods are based on Simple Principles and have always been universally and usually accepted. They are realistic, understandable and powerful. Making this work practically and effectively for you and in today's society and truly understanding the depths of This Growth, and how to access it, is a very central and serious part of our job.
In some cases, with your permission, I will be working with your family physician or psychiatrist to use various appropriate medications if they are called for, to help you in healing, and/ or for a time. We believe medication should be used only if necessary and then carefully administered and monitored. These medications work on your the central nervous system to help heal and actually normalize it to reduce the feelings of anxiety, depression and others strong symptoms while you grow.
Also Know: We are very aware of, and you should also realize,
that there are some practices & therapies which are not spiritually sound or dangerous...
Counseling Actually Can Include:
* Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an experiential, in-depth form of treatment that explores the ways in which past experiences and emotional expectations developed in childhood have contributed to current difficulties in functioning. This form of treatment examines the complexities of interpersonal relationships, including the developing relationship with the therapist. Rational-Emotive, Behavioral Therapies, Medication, Relaxation and Breathing Techniques, Pleasant Mental Imagery and Cognitive Restructuring, Systematic Gradual Desensitization and Yes, Types of Regular Exercise.
All these are All Possibles, BUT:
Just to Let You Know, as Many have Done over the Centuries: We have Researched and Found that some of these "New Methods" are historically quite existent.
'There is nothing new under the sun!'
Dr. Ralph: Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the What You Need or How You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our:
* Home Page.
* Contact - Appointment & Fee Info. * Sitemap.
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"Dr. Ralph" at The Abiding Well Online Nationwide Wholistic Clinic Offering National Phone Counseling & Wellness , Treatment & Relief and Our CBE-CBN-CBG Medix Shoppe! We have Couple's, Marriage, Family & Relationship Counseling and Personal Anxiety & Depression Therapy by Mobile Cell Phone & Telephone. We Offer 1. Simple & Easy, Confidential Talk-It-Out & Be Heard Therapy for Very Private & Personal Issues. 2. Tele-Psychotherapy, Holistic Treatments & Medix, Hypnosis, IBSR(Intensive Base Sub Rooting), Progressive Relaxation, Guided Imagery and Onward for Your Personal Sufferings & Challenges: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Severe Stress, Confusion, Cognitive, Memory, Attention, Focus & Thinking Difficulties; Major Life Decision Making, Paralyzing Fears, Overwhelming Phobias & Sufferings. Depression, Guilt, Loneliness, Grief, Severe Losses, Life Changes, Adjustments, Worthlessness, Hopelessness, The Crying & Sadness, The Lost Desire to Do Much Anymore, No Energy or Motivation, Low Confidence & Self Esteem, Wanting to Give Up... 3. Tele-Counseling for Your Marriage, Family & Couples: The Anger, Frustration, Hurt, Betrayal, Hatred, Forgiveness, Not Heard or Understood, No One is Listening, Mis-Understandings &The Sadness, Heartache & Pain. We Can Also Provide You with Spiritual Counsel & Guidance, About Finding God or Your Higher Power & Your Meaning & Purpose on This Planet. We Can Give You Life Coaching and Goal Mentoring to Realize Your Special Dreams & Correct Gifts, Help You Plan & Work to Your Life Goals. We Work with Very Busy & Hard Working Adult Americans & Canadians, and also, Our Retired & Senior Citizens, and Also with People Who are Home Bound, Recovering or Can't Leave Their Homes, and Yes We Give At Your Office Counseling Sessions, Conveniently for Busy Business People & Professionals. This is a Private & Confidential Place for Support & A Means to Talk Out or Work Through Your Thoughts, Challenges & Decisions, Family, Marriage & Relationship Difficulties & Also Anxiety, Phobias, Depression, Sadness, Loneliness, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem, Grief, Betrayal, Frustration, Emotional Suffering, Thinking & Cognitive Difficulties, Major Decisions and Finding the Paths & Ways to Reach Your Personal Goals. We are Here for You: People in All Professions and Trades: Medicine, Hospitals, Helping & Healthcare, Business Owners and All Office Staff & Employees, Corporate, Executive, Retail, Management, Our Gifted Craftsmen & Tradesmen, Police & Fire Departments, Military, Attorneys, Judges, Law & Court Folks, Retail, Real Estate, Finance, Brokers, Consultants, Arts, Scientists & Researchers, Education, Students, Teachers, Engineering, Electronics, Computers, Web Specialists and Most Importantly, for All of Your Caring & Concerned Spouses & Families. We are Available for Our United States & Canada & All of the Countries Where You are Assigned, Living or Working, Internationally, by Your Cell Phone & Landline Phone, Tablets, E-Mail, Text Messaging or SMS & Easy & Convenient Internet & Computer Access.
Our Counseling Holistic Therapy Family Practice was Established in the very early 1970's & as Our Entire Family & Businesses moved "Out West." We of course had Our Local in Town, Appointment Visits Clinic, Family Practice & Business Offices. We have always had Telephone Counseling Sessions... Later, We Expanded to Nationwide Online Mobile Counseling Therapy by Telephone & Cell Phone with Email & Text Messaging Support: when we acquired this website. This has been the Abiding Well Wholistic Counseling, Therapy and Alternative-Complimentary Treatment Clinic in Service from 1972 to The Present, All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, as Needed, All Rights Reserved.
Dr. Ralph Offers Depression Online Phone Counseling Therapy Sessions!
Dr. Ralph Offers You,
Our Depression Sufferers: Some Personal Answers,
Information, Help, Treatment & Relief by
Nationwide Online Phone & Cell Phone
Counseling & Professional Therapy Sessions.
Here for You are Listed Some Personal Feelings & Thoughts You Might Relate to, Symptoms, Types, Treatment Options, Answers and a Means to Relief & Health!
Dr. Ralph Offers Nationwide Online Phone Counseling & Professional Therapy Sessions and a Means to Relief & Health for Your Severe Suffering from Depression: Sadness, Unusual Crying Spells, Loneliness, Low Self-Esteem, Self-Dislike or Self Hatred, Feeling Very Insecure, Little Confidence, Hopelessness, Unworthiness, Social Withdrawal, Just Don't Care Anymore, Interests & Desires Falling Away, No or Low Energy & Can't Get Going, Difficult Getting Energy or Motivation and Again, A Kind of Personal Paralysis. We Also Can Help Your Family, Marriage & Relationships. This is All Online for You Nationwide by Your Cell Phone or Telephone with Email & Text Messaging Support and In an Attentive & Caring, Christian Like, Kind & Non-Judgmental, Listening & Understanding Professional Atmosphere!
Home. Our Contact & Fee Info. DrRalph.com

Depression: Patient Personal Feelings & Treatment:
Also Click Here for Our Clinical Depression Page.
Also Click Here or Scroll Down Below for Treatment & Relief Options.
Dr. Ralph Offers Help for the Hard Challenges, Means & Ways of Depression.
Part One: This is a List of Personal Feelings that You May Be Able to Relate to.
Part Two: This is a Listing of for You of Signs, Sufferings, Symptoms, & Treatment Options, that can be Considered for Your Comfort, Control, Relief & Health. Scroll Down Below for Part Two.
Part One:
Dr. Ralph: Depression is very often found with accompanying
Anxiety Disorders and it's important to be aware of these
possibilities, so you can explain and present them for treatment.
If You Like, Visit Our Anxiety Page at www.DrRalph-Anxiety.com
I've Listed Below Clusters of Experiences and Feelings in
Our Everyday Language that You My Be Able to Relate to,
followed by a clinical description from Wikepedia.com.
Depression: Issues, Feelings...
* Those Days of Profound Sadness & Loneliness.*
* Feeling Like No One Really Understands or Cares,
A Hopelessness, Moments of Low Confidence,
Self-Esteem Lapses, Never Not Good Enough.
* Personal Fears and Concerns Out of Proportion.
* Fatigue, Energy Drained, Withdrawal, Irritability,
Super Sensitivity, Guilt and Defensiveness...
* For Major Depression ~ Recurrent & Single Episodes.
Except For Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression.
* For Dysthymia ~ A Chronic, More Subtle Depression.
* For Adjustments and Reactions to:
Severe Personal Losses and Trauma from:
Mistreatment, Degradation & Abuse,
Major Life Changes through Divorce,
Grief, Terminal Disease & The Death of a Loved One,
Changing or Losing a Job, Moving to a New Locale,
Status & Economic Shifts & Losses,
Marital, Parenting & Familial Difficulties.
* For The Serious and Debilitating Attack of The Blues...
* For: * A Childhood History of Victimization, Mistreatment,
Sexual Molestation, Degradation, Humiliation,
Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse and the Daily
Guilt and Fear of Being A Victim or An Innocent.
* Marital and Parenting Concerns,
Direction, Coaching and Counseling.
* Adults with Controlling, Critical, Negative,
"Never Good Enough" and Guilt Maker Parents.
* Help for Your Children and Teens Who Are
Growing Up, Suffer from Depression & Anxiety & The
Many Adjustments to Life's Changes, Fears, Trauma and Reactions.
For Those Feeling Sadness, Loneliness &Hopelessness:
* "I Get These Days of Despair, Sadness, Loneliness."
* " I Really Feel Like No One Really Understands or Cares."
* "There's this Hopelessness and No Answers."
* "I Fight Guilt Big Time, Moments & Battles with
Low Confidence or Self-Esteem." "I'm just Never Good Enough!"
* "I'm grateful for my life but I feel somehow isolated."
* "Even in a crowd or with friends I feel like I'm alone."
* "I'm kind of lost and don't know where or who to turn to."
* "It's easy to cry or equally hard not to."
* "There's a weight & cloud of sadness around me."
* "Yes I'm well off. It seems people believe that therefore:
I don't suffer & I should stop complaining & get grateful."
* "I'd really like to talk to someone about this..."
* "It seems no one really cares or understands."
* "For a long time now, I have felt never good enough for anything!"
* "I feel walled off. No one's listening anymore."
* "I'm really frustrated. I just can't seem to get through."
* "I'm not heard, valued, appreciated or understood."
* "I'm always wrong. It seems everything's my fault."
* "There have been so many broken dreams and promises."
* "Well Now I know what it feels like to be Betrayed."
* " I found some words for my general feelings:
I'm in a State of Despair, Discouragement & Hopelessness."
* "I'm so very tired of all of this, and now
I realize it's been like this for a very long time..."
* "It sounds childish & ridiculous but I just feel like running away."
For When You're: Feeling Tired - Can't Get Moving
* "There's no energy. I can't get motivated."
* "It's as if I'm in slow motion or in a fog far away."
* "I don't feel very much like having fun anymore."
* "I've been withdrawing from friends and family."
* "I'm spending more and more time quietly alone."
For The Heartbreak & Grief of All
Severe Personal Losses that Can Cause Depression.
* The are so many things that hurt badly when we lose them.
* There's the loss of our plans, dreams and an entire way of life.
* The loss of a life's work in retirement and
simply getting older require serious adjustment.
* Whether it's temporary or long term: Accidents,
Injury, Disease & Handicaps and the loss of our
physical freedom and imposed limitations is very hard.
* Again, Being forced to stay at home, from disability or illness
can go from being boring, to becoming severely depressive and
disheartening; from quietness to severe loneliness and hopelessness.
* The most severe pain is when we lose someone we dearly love.
I have seen that the most severe grief is the loss of your child.
* Sickness, disease accident and death are harsh realities.
* Suddenly we are shoved, roughly into another unpleasant world.
* There's nothing you can do to make things the way they were.
* There's the sickening feeling of emptiness and loneliness...
* You never know or even become afraid of when something
will trigger a memory, and then the anger or the tears...
* "Will today be a good day or a sad day or an anxious day?"
* There are Life's frustrations, limitations, changes, adjustments
and overwhelming changes, decisions and responsibilities.
* And there is also the anger, rage and guilt.
Why God? Why God me? Why God now?
* "I think I've lost My Faith?"
* "Will it ever get better?" "Do I really want it to get better?"
* "I'm so tired." "I want to give up. No, I must go on." "Why?"
For Those Past Hurts and Abuses.
* "It Still haunts me and my today relationships."
* "So My Mom is Super Controlling & a Guilt-Maker,
But I Need to Learn How to Not Get Paralyzed & Cant Stop Her."
* "My Spouse is Really Critical, Degrading and Devaluative."
* "It's never good enough!" "They're All Un-Pleasable!"
* "I'm afraid to trust, then I do, and get hurt again."
* "I seem to have a knack for picking the wrong mate."
* "How do I stop the cycle and get off this merry-go-round?"
For Feeling Guilty & Suffering Low Self Esteem in Some Areas.
* "How do I say "No" or Take Care of Myself without Feeling Guilty?"
* "I feel very wrong or stupid or clumsy, sometimes without a reason."
* "I shouldn't feel this way. God has blessed me
and I have so very much to be grateful for."
* "I sometimes feel worthless, useless or like I'm a failure."
* I Apologize or say "I'm sorry" way too much.
* "I Blame Myself. I Blame Everyone Else."
* "Really when I think about it, I'm my own worst enemy."
* "I don't think I really like myself very much."
* "I sure don't like being alone with myself."
* "I've lost some or is it all of my confidence. I know I lost my edge."
* "I'm afraid to take a chance and try much that's new."
* "I didn't do anything wrong. Why do I feel guilty?"
For Those Times of Despair & Hopelessness.
* "I just feel like giving it all up."
* "I'm so very tired of all of this."
* "I'd like to run away or move some place else."
* "I really can't hang on much longer."
* "It seems nobody cares anyway, Nobody!"
For Many Sleep, Appetite & Weight Difficulties.
* Too much - Too little - Control ~ Changes - Problems.
For When It's Really Difficult to Concentrate or Decide.
* "I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed out."
* "I sometimes get Preoccupied or Confused sometimes."
* "It takes me forever or I just can't concentrate to
think out & make major decisions or yes, even small ones."
* "I'm forgetting too many things
and I'm afraid & embarrassed about it."
* "I'm a little concerned. Am I losing my grip?"
"Am I slipping?" "Am I losing my faculties?"
For When Your Feeling: Irritable - Impatient - Can't Relax.
* "I See Now that I Get These Sudden Mood Swings and Over-Reactions."
* "I'm Becoming Really Impatient. People seem to take Forever to do things!"
* "Now I Also See that I'm Becoming More Critical, Picky and Negative."
* "So Sometimes, I Get Feeling Restless & Antsy & I have to keep busy."
* "Oh Boy, Now You Can Set Me Off Easily. I'm Super Sensitive."
* It Seems that My Feelings are Easily Hurt."
* "Then I Get Out of My Withdrawn Stuff & Get Defensive & Over-Counter-Attacking."
Part TWO:
About Our Depression Online Treatment Program.
Dr. Ralph: Basically We first need to Talk, Discuss and Get to Know and Understand the Kind of Depression You're Suffering from and then We Can Begin a Program of Relief.
We Combine Traditional Psychological Health Treatment Methods, Cognitive Re-Structuring, Behavioral Shifting, Historical Resolution, Stress & Pain Management Techniques, De-Sensitivization, Progressive Relaxation, Clinical Hypnosis, Medical & Pharmacological Models, Practical Christian Pastoral Biblical Therapy& Other Appropriate Approaches by
The Most Important Ingredient: A Serious, Focused, One to One, Genuine, Caring, Practical & Non-Judgmental, Confidential, Private & Personal, Counseling Therapy Relationship.
Besides Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies & Spiritual Counseling, Other Modalities may be used in conjunction with drug therapy including relaxation techniques, pleasant mental imagery and Functional Clinical Hypnosis.
Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique used to treat symptoms & sufferings. It is based upon having the person relax, then imagine the components of the situation, working from the least difficult to the strongest.
Graded, incremental, real life exposure has also been used with
success to help some people overcome their re-current fears & thoughts.
Cognitive-behavioral approaches teach patients how to view the depressive situations differently and demonstrate ways to reduce these reactions, using breathing exercises or techniques to refocus attention, for example. Another technique used in cognitive-behavioral therapy, called exposure therapy, can often help alleviate symptoms. In exposure therapy, people are very slowly exposed to the sensitive situation until they become desensitized to it.
How we go about giving relief is a matter of understanding you and your particular circumstances and symptoms and then using the appropriate means to alleviate your suffering.
No, It's Not Easy but It is Possible to have RELIEF.
Basically We first need to know and understand the kind of Depressive Ways You are suffering and then we can begin a program of Rescue & Relief.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our Home. Contact Me-Appts-Fees. DrRalph.com
When to Seek Professional Help
for Depressive Episodes, Symptoms & Suffering.
While self-help coping strategies for depression can be very effective, if your Depression has become so strong that they’re causing extreme distress or disrupting your daily routine, it is important to seek professional help.
If you’re experiencing a lot of physical symptoms, consider getting a medical checkup. Your doctor can check to make sure that your depression isn’t caused by a medical condition, such as a thyroid problem, diabetis, hypoglycemia, or asthma. Since certain drugs and supplements can cause sever reactions, your doctor will also want to know about any prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and recreational drugs you’re taking.
If your physician rules out a medical cause, the next step is to consult with a therapist who has experience treating Depression and Depressive Disorders. The therapist will work with you to determine the cause and type of your sufferings and devise a course of treatment.
Treatment Options for Depressive Disorders
Depression responds to treatment. The specific treatment approach & timing of Relief depends on the type of Depression and severity. But in general, most Depressive Disorders are treated with behavioral therapy, medication, CounselingTherapy or some combination therof. Sometimes alternative treatments may also be helpful.
Behavioral Therapy for Depressive Disorders.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy are types of behavioral therapy, meaning they focus on behavior rather than on underlying psychological conflicts or issues from the past.
- Cognitive-behavior therapy focuses on thoughts—or cognitions—in addition to behaviors. In depressive disorder treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you identify and challenge the negative thinking patterns and irrational beliefs that fuel your suffering.
- Exposure therapy for depression treatment encourages you to confront your thoughts in a safe, controlled environment. Through repeated exposures to the thought or situation, either in your imagination or in reality, you gain a greater sense of control. As you face these without negative effect, your symptoms diminish.
Medication for Depressive & Anxiety disorders
Is Medication Right for You?
Medications can be habit forming and cause unwanted side effects, so be sure to research your options. It’s important to weigh the benefits and risks so you can make an informed decision about whether medication is the right treatment for you.
A variety of medications, including benzodiazepines and antidepressants, are used in the treatment. But medication is most effective when combined with counseling therapy, behavioral therapy and self-help strategies. Medication may sometimes be used in the short-term to relieve severe symptoms so that other forms of therapy can be pursued.
If you can relate to, or feel comfortable with, some of the feelings, thoughts and treatment options listed above, and you'd like to make some changes and get relief, You can contact me through our Home Page. Contact Me-Appts-Fees.
DrRalph.com for Depression Treatment is a Service of Dr. Ralph's, Depression Online Mobile & Cell Phone & Telephone; Professional Therapy for You & also Your Family, Marriage & Relationship Counseling Issues; Business Consultations & Decisions; Simple Talk & Venting; Life Coaching & Goal Mentoring; as well as, Spiritual Counsel & Guidance; All also with Email & Text Messaging Support. In 2002 We Expanded Our Local Offices to Depression Online Phone Counseling & Therapy Sessions Nationwide. We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 2002 - Present, All Rights Reserved.
Christian Stuff, If You Wish:
Our program Also consists of, ONLY IF You Choose, using God's Loving, Universally Accepted, Caring, Biblical Principles and Pastoral Clinical Christian Counseling Psychology, put into sensible and understandable practice, as well as, some of the Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment and Stress Reduction Models, to dissolve fear in any of it's forms; anxiety, phobia, panic and stress. I believe this array offers the most powerful and effective means of relief and healing for anxiety.
By the Way, Our Idea of a Christian Counseling Program is non-judgmental, non-degrading or guilt producing, and in fact actually relieves guilt. Often our clients have suffered a Childhood History of Victimization, Degradation, Humiliation, Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse or Some Form of Major Emotional Loss or Trauma, with lingering effects & suffering. There is a tremndous amount of Love and Mercy that God has for us. "Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear." and "Be Anxious for Nothing." are commonly known Bible Verses, and "The Peace that Passeth All Understanding..."
Knowing Al of These Words is all fine and well, but actually putting into practice and receiving what they promise is What Needs to Be Accomplished!
Again, if you chose, making these scriptural principles work effectively for you and in today's society, truly understanding the depths of His Love for You and how to access it, is a very serious part of my job.
Here We Hope to Give You Answers: To See and to Really Get in
Touch with Who You are and What You have to Offer in This Life.
YES, both the Negative and the Positive. Yes, Your Personal
Gifts and Talents to This World and To Help Others and NO, Not just
the Down Side Anymore. AN HONEST LOOK AT YOURSELF!!!
Answers: To Sensibly Talk through, Understand and Finally
Feel You are Ready & Worthy to Obtain the Complete
Depth and Healing Available to You, if You Really Want It.
Only if You are Interested:
* To Learn How God Truly Sees You!(and not your opinion).
* To Learn How to Accept God's Love,
Personally, as He Means It, Just for You!
* To Learn and Realize The Power of Applied & Practical
Forgiveness for Yourself & All Others in All Areas of Our Lives.
* To Find a Comforting and Powerful Relationship with
God, Who is Always Present, and Finding An Acceptable and
Realistic Means to Receive the Benefits of This Relationship and
Then Learning How to Access Him Anytime and Anywhere!
Home. Our Contact & Fee Info. DrRalph.com
Dr. Ralph for Depression Treatment is a Service of Dr. Ralph's, Depression Online Mobile & Cell Phone & Telephone; Professional Therapy for You & also Your Family, Marriage & Relationship Counseling Issues; Business Consultations & Decisions; Simple Talk & Venting; Life Coaching & Goal Mentoring; as well as, Spiritual Counsel & Guidance; All also with Email & Text Messaging Support. In 2002 We Expanded Our Local Offices to Depression Online Phone Counseling & Therapy Sessions Nationwide. We are All Owned, Copyrighted & Trademarked, 2002 - Present, All Rights Reserved.